[FIC] Measure My Life in Coffee Cups (Gen, PG-13) - Deleted Scenes 2&3

Jul 09, 2015 21:38

Title: Measure My Life in Coffee Cups
Rating: T for language
Word Count: (this bit) 2300 & 344
Warnings/Spoilers: Definite and major spoilers for Season 10, specifically the events of Dark Dynasty.

A/N: Second and third deleted scenes from the above mentioned fic, cut because the first spiraled into something more darkly therapeutic than appropriate for a lighthearted community challenge, and the third is just a snippet that ended up not getting used because I decided on something else. Note that the first scene contradicts the whole premise of the original story in that Charlie does tell Dean in front of Sam about Sam not liking coffee; I axed this scene before writing the completed story above.

(original fic) Part One  | Part Two  | Part Three | Deleted Scene One NEW: Deleted Scenes Two & Three

!spoiler policy, grief, » fic, .genre » gen, death

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