Fic: Underneath a Stretching Skyline verse #06 : Like a Soul Kneeling for Peace

Mar 07, 2014 14:26

Title: Like a Soul Kneeling for Peace, verse #06
Author: LaueHime
Rating: Mature
Genre/pairing: Angst, H/C, Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean, OC, hints of Lucifer
Word count: +/- 2,900
Warnings: Some cussing, sexual content (not too graphic), implied sexual abuse (though it is not mentioned)
Summary: Dean thinks he knows what would make his brother feel better. He doesn’t realize how wrong he’s been until he sees Sam.

Written for spnshannanigans’s prompt on ohsam which is “Sam's memories from hell threaten to overwhelm him every moment of every day. To calm the storm in his head, he comes to rely on either drugs or alcohol (or both).  Dean allows this to continue (for now anyway) because he doesn't know how to help Sam and he can't stand the screaming”

hugs/cuddling, nightmares, hallucinations, self-harm, breakdown, hell/post-hell issues, alcoholism, repressed memories, abuse, anxiety/panic attack, psychological trauma, » fic, .genre » gen

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