When Memory Fades

Nov 25, 2013 15:11

Paring: Sam/Dean

Rating: NC-17

Word Count: ~3,800

Warnings: Hand jobs, male/male sex, curtain!fic, bottom!sam, psychologically-damaged!sam, angst
Disclaimer: I claim only, and all of the errors.

Summary: After Sam’s wall breaks, his mind continuously erases his recent memories when he sleeps to keep visions of hell from his conscious self. Today is day 1156.

A/N: Written for the ohsam hurt/comfort challenge for the prompt: Reverse psychic amnesia: as in, you remember who you are, who your brother is-- but you've forgotten everything else about the world. Let me know if the prompt was yours and I’ll credit you.

Sam blinks sleep from his eyes and opens them to find a light grey wall in front of him.

Or on A03

hell/post-hell issues, .pairing » sam/dean, &fic challenge, amnesia, bed sharing, dislocation

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