Breathing On Luna 3/3 (AU, gen, R)

Nov 25, 2013 10:42

Title: Breathing On Luna 3/3
Author: soncnica
Rating: R
Genre/Pairing: Sam, Dean, gen, AU
Wordcount: cca. 8.600 words
Summary: Space!AU, 2nd in the 'burning moons!verse'. Sam got hit by the ice waters of Ganymede and Dean needed to get him to Luna fast, or else Sam would turn into an ice statue.
Warnings: language, space, sci-fi, violence, kinda dark(ish), h/c, lots of made up stuff
Disclaimer: I seriously only own the grammar/spelling mistakes. Everything else is NOT MINE! ALL IS FICTION.
A/N: Well it all started with a prompt from deirdre_c, about Dean getting a blaster wound - story can be found here - and I have no idea how, but now it's a 'verse, because I can't stop writing about the boys in space. Oh boy .... but darn it, if it's not fun! LOL


paralysis, hypothermia, cold, » fic, .genre » gen

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