Fic: Fear No More (SPN, Pre-Series) (2/13)

Jun 21, 2012 01:39

Title: Fear No More
Author: jedisapphire
Rating: PG
Genre/pairing: General
Characters: Sam, Dean, a bit of John 
Word count: Approx 31,000 for the entire fic

Summary: It's just a straightforward salt-and-burn, so Dean and John decide it's the perfect job to give Sam as his first solo hunt. And then it stops being so straightforward.

I'm not tagging for the types of hurt/limp yet because that might be a spoiler at this point... But trust me, they're coming. :)

Spoilers: Not really. It's pre-series.
Disclaimer: You know I don't own them.


Chapter II: How Big Brothers Are Weird

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