Title: Obsession
Author: Annonie
Rating: T (light R)
Characters: Sam, OC, evil!vampires, Dean (eventually)
Word count: 7961
Summary: Captured with no hope for rescue, he found himself clinging to the one person who never left his side. One Shot. Pre-series.
Warnings: slight sexual abuse (very brief)
Disclaimer: Don't own. Still poor.
LJ Link:
Obsession LJFanfiction.net Link:
Obsession Title: Devotion
Author: Annonie
Rating: T
Characters: Sam, Dean, John
Word count: 10,970
Summary: It had been five days, fourteen hours, and twenty minutes since they first realized Sammy was missing. Now his brother is back where he belongs. Unfortunately, things aren't always that easy. Sequel to Obsession. Pre-Series.
Warnings: Angst, brief mention of self-harm (nothing graphic)
Disclaimer: Don't Own. Still Poor
LJ Link:
Devotion LJFanfiction.net Link: