Vid insta-rec: Maybe I Could Be Saved

May 31, 2012 08:40

Vidder's Notes:

Sam may have been saved from his ultimate destiny, but he wasn't saved from suffering.

Sam's speech at the end of House of the Holy has always been one of my favourites. Looking back it's sad to think just how much he lost and suffered.

image Click to view

Reccer's Notes: ash48 is one of my favourite vidders, I don't think it's a secret, and this new one is no exception to her usual brilliance. She's got a deft touch with montage, and a real feel for how scenes and moments connect in the show even if they're seasons apart. It's a short but powerful vid, and combines one of the most heartbreaking lines in the show with a song that never fails to make me cry.

Go here to leave feedback for the vidder!

(Ash my darling, make sure I tagged this right? There was so much crammed into your vid that I'm sure I missed stuff!)

[when the levee breaks], the great wall of sam, withdrawal, !recs, breakdown, » vid, hell/post-hell issues, [swan song], seizures, psychological trauma, .genre » gen, psychic powers

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