New vid(let): maybe I could be saved...

May 31, 2012 19:10

(*eep* banner by me. I keep trying./o\)

Title: Maybe I could be saved
Vidder: Ash48
Music by: Knockin' on Heaven's Door, Bob Dylan
Category: Character study
Length: 1.14m (longer vids seem to be eluding me at the moment. Idek)
Size: 20 mb
Summary: Sam may have been saved from his destiny, but he wasn't saved from the suffering.

Special thanks to counteragent the beta. Your thoughts and suggestions were extremely helpful. *hearts* and to el1ie for the encouraging feedback. (woot!) <33

Download: MediaFire || Stream: You Tube

image Click to view


I've been wanting to vid Sam's speech from Houses of the Holy for ages. It breaks me every time - looking back and knowing how much Sam suffered, even though he was saved from his so called destiny. For me this vid is about being able to use images to express what I think of when I now hear that speech. I could write an essay about all this - why I chose each image, the connections etc. so if something doesn't make sense feel free to ask...;)

ETA: The "essay" mentioned above. The whys and wherefores of my clips choices etc.

No money made but comments are gratefully and warmly accepted. <33


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