fic: Missing You

Nov 13, 2011 20:33

Title: Missing You
Author: wolfish_willow
Recipient: jenab
Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: Angst // Sam/Gabriel
Spoilers: The whole of season 5, specifically 5x19 and on.
Warnings: Canon character death, tweaking canon to suit my needs.
Word Count: 3,456
Beta: insertcode11, who totally rocks.
Notes: Written for team_free_love's Secret Lover's Exchange.

Summary: Dean looks pained with deep lines crinkling his brow and his lips turned down at the corners. It's the face he wears when he wants to hold back and protect his little brother from whatever he has to say but knows there isn't any other choice.

Missing You

grief, crying, injury, depression, breakdown, .pairing » sam/gabriel, » fic, .genre » slash

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