Crash (Gen, R) part 2

Nov 13, 2011 19:34

Title: Crash (part 2)
Author: monicawoe
Rating: R
Genre/pairing: Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby
Word count: 2502 (this chapter)
Summary: Sam had been fighting, but the crash changed him.  (Chapter 2)

Written for the ohsam Sam-focused hurt/comfort fic challenge.

For this prompt :

Gen, s7. The breaking of the Wall let out a lot of things better left alone, memories not the greatest of them. Sam's powers come flooding back, more powerful and violent than ever, warped and twisted by his time in Hell. And with Satan vision playing on repeat overtop of everything he sees, he's having trouble discerning friend from foe, threat from civilian... and Lucifer used Dean's face a lot, in the Pit.

(This prompt was so good, the story just kept going)
Sam ran...

insanity, hallucinations, the great wall of sam, injury, dementia, hell/post-hell issues, &fic challenge, brain damage, » fic, .genre » gen, deliriums, psychic powers

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