004 - [gen, sam/dean & sam/other]

Jun 01, 2010 20:27

these are all fics where sam is more screwed up than... well, than he already is, whether due to a curse or simply the path his life takes. a few of these fics are disturbing and come with a slew of warnings that i beg you to check before reading.

title. jumping at shadows & the sequel spectrum
type. psychosis, hallucinations, curse/spell
author. tbrook
rating. pg-13
words. 2,750 + four-part sequel
characters. sam, dean
summary. it was as if a curtain had fallen between him and everything. it was almost like being born again. the colors were different, the smells, the quality of fear--the freshness of it. he kept getting snared between the beats of his heart.
reccer's comments. a very descriptive, trippy and frightening point-of-view. sam is cursed.

title. flavors of ice cream that no one's ever eaten before
author. girlfan1979
type. psychological trauma, ptsd
rating. r
words. 4,600
characters. dean, sam
warnings. language, mature themes, imagery, (risk aware) dub-con
summary. a year on, sam finds a way. it’s hard, but it’s there.
reccer's comments. sam must spend one day in ten in hell to save his brother.

title. the crow on the cradle
author. kroki_refur
type. psychic powers, breakdown, visions
rating. pg-13
words. 98,200 (20 chapters)
characters. jess, dean, sam, john
summary. on october 2, 2005, sam winchester walked out of the apartment he shared with his girlfriend jess in the middle of the night and didn't come back.
reccer's comments. a long, plotty fic with great jess characterization. i can't remember how many times i've read it. sam might not appear for a while in this fic, but rest assured, he has his (huge) part.

title. playing monsters
author. albydarned
type. psychological trauma
rating. r
words. 2,796
pairings. sam/dean, sam/john (both non-explicit)
warnings. child abuse (sexual), disturbing themes, character death
summary. it was just a game… a game that those boys used to play. they'd pretend that they were monster hunters, that they were some kind of heroes. the problem was that they started to believe that all of that nonsense was real, you see?
reccer's comments. a brilliant voice used to tell a horrific story of just how wrong things could have gone if the supernatural world had no supernatural.

title. end credits
author. albydarned
type. self-mutilation, depression
rating. adult
words. ~20,000
pairing. sam/dean
warnings. suicidal themes, character death(s), self-harm, dark
summary. dean's been a fan of scary movies for as long as he can remember ... hollywood's processed thrillers, scares, and screams are nothing compared to the horror of dean's real life, as he desperately tries to save his brother's life and sanity, as well as his own.
reccer's comments. this fic is one long downward spiral.

title. rampant
author. last-imperatrix
type. psychological trauma, nightmares
rating. nc-17
words. 6,162
pairings. sam/dean, sam/jared/lee, sam/missy
warnings. extremely disturbing events, graphic imagery, rape, sexual torture
summary. what happened to sam between alvin jenkins’ disappearance and dean’s arrival is the stuff of nightmares, and it haunts both him and dean long after hibbing has left their rearview mirror.
reccer's comments. an au of the benders from season one. horrific.

and something gentler to finish off:

title. you got to lose to know how to win
author. clex-monkie89
type. bullying, injury
rating. pg-13
words. 2,280
pairings. sam/omc, (one-sided) sam/dean
summary. "war does not make men, war destroys them. it is through peace that true men are made." (sam runs into alicia fujisaki's boyfriend right after that first tutoring session. he's all puffed up and big, spewing random shit about staying away from his girl like he's trapped in every teen movie from the eighties.)
reccer's comments. despite (or perhaps, because of) the subtle style, the brothers' love for each other shines bright in this fic.

nightmares, .pairing » sam/dean, hallucinations, sexual abuse: non-con, ptsd, depression, !recs, suicide attempt, psychic powers, .genre » gen, visions, self-harm, injury, curse/spell, sexual assault, breakdown, abuse, .pairing » sam/omc, torture, psychological trauma, psychosis, .genre » slash

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