Fic: All About Forgiveness, PG-13, (1/1)

May 31, 2010 14:39

Title: All About Forgiveness
Author: Dante
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13 (swearing)
Summary: Never attempt a hunt when you're angry.
Disclaimer: SPN characters do not belong to me. No copyright infringement intended.
Spoilers: Season 4.
Author's Note: Written for orphan round 4 at spnpromptcake. Prompt from cycle 1, round 1.
Author's Note #2: For running_hot who needed an h/c fic. Hope this makes you feel better.
Situation: Sam has a concussion. Dean has to keep waking him up. Cliche: bed sharing.

This way to the story

hugs/cuddling, concussion

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