Title: The Fire Inside (Prologue/multi chaptered fic)
Author: Misha
Fandom Disclaimer: This fic is loosely based on characters from the WB Televisions Show, Supernatural. I do not own those characters, the story is a work of fan fiction.
Fic Summary: Dean Winchester hasn't seen his brother since he was 8, and Sam was 4. Despite his comfortable life, Dean will never stop searching for his brother. Starts out heavy on the Dean angle, but will be full fledged Sam and Dean H/C.
Chapter Summary:Prologue: John leaves 8 year old Dean and 4 year old Sam alone in a motel room, and it's not the first time he's left the boys unattended.
Word Count: 1150
Notes: First SPN fic. If you read it, feed it. Feedback is desired and appreciated! Link for fic takes you to InsaneJournal.
He knew the drill: Don't open the door for anyone