FIC: Clockwork Little Happiness

Jun 20, 2011 12:09

Title: Clockwork Little Happiness
Author: justmmy
Rating: NC-17
Genre/pairing: Slash, threesome
Characters: Sam/Dean/Cas
Word count: 18,773
Spoilers: Up through 6.07
Warnings: dark!fic, PWP, dub-con, bottom!Sam, abuse/torture, the works.
Disclaimer: .....really? this is necessary?
Summary/A.N.: This was originally written as a response to the teaser for 6.07, due to the lovely prompting of katwoman76 .  
Obviously, I missed the deadline.
Major kudos to my awesome beta, jaysawyer

I cannot stress enough that this is really dark. It kind of got away from me, to be honest. So, read with caution, okay? This is not a happy fic, not by miles.

Part One

sexual abuse: dub-con, soullessness, abuse, torture, .genre » slash

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