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zibbydoo324 December 2 2023, 16:32:17 UTC
Pup, I usually have your back. But right now, you remind me of my mom’s demon dog.
She does rotten things so you tell her she’s a bad dog. This little shit just looks at you unaffected like “yah? And I’d do it again.”


sandstorm December 2 2023, 16:47:02 UTC

She has done nothing wrong ever!


zibbydoo324 December 2 2023, 17:02:03 UTC
WHO is the one who walks her? Legit, the only time she goes on walks is when I visit. I take her and my mom’s other dog because I’m taking Rufus. I’m Khaleesi mother of dogs.

What did the little demon do? Destroy not one but two pairs of my sandals. I WALK YOU IN THOSE.


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