I'd like to leave now - Buzzfeed lists Actors who asked to be killed off on their hit tv shows

Aug 07, 2023 14:36

Sometimes they were asking for entire seasons before the character's demise. https://t.co/j4ffGeOWXT
- BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) August 6, 2023
-Tale as old as time, Actor lands role on tv show, ends up wanting to leave for variety of reasons and NEVER COME BACK (until they do) so they ask to be killed off ( Read more... )

the walking dead / ftwd (amc), charmed, 1990s, 2000s, television, buffyverse / whedonverse, pretty little liars (freeform), nostalgia / throwback, actor / actress

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oncourt August 7 2023, 20:36:37 UTC
I was wondering today if Dan Stevens and Jessica Brown Findlay asked to be killed off or if Julian Fellowes just wanted to make their exit as painful as possible


archersangel August 7 2023, 21:00:13 UTC
If I recall Julian Fellowes said their character couldn't just leave, given who they were in that world. So he killed them.


quinzl13 August 8 2023, 02:24:03 UTC
Apparently Dan stevens told him very last minute which annoyed him. I read somewhere he said if he had known sooner, he would’ve killed both their characters together instead of two tragic deaths in a single season.


labhaoise August 8 2023, 02:44:39 UTC

They didn't die in the same season though


quinzl13 August 8 2023, 03:06:22 UTC
Yeah they did. Season 3. Sybil died half way through, Matthew in the “bonus” extra long last episode of the season.


squirrels_oh_no August 7 2023, 21:00:47 UTC
I think they asked to be killed off so they could go for bigger and better jobs. Only really worked out for one of them.


v_is_for_violet August 7 2023, 21:22:00 UTC
Matthews death caught me so off guard lol that goofy ass grin on his face and then bam. I think the show was able to take Mary in a interesting direction that they wouldn’t have been able to otherwise but I did miss him on the show ngl


sweetwaterlane August 8 2023, 00:16:02 UTC

i remember talking to a coworker who also watched the show and he was in denial that Matthew had died "i think he'll be fine, he's just knocked out." The scene showed him with blood coming out of his ears.

Forever pissed they killed him off (and i stopped watching the show, since I was mainly there for Mary/Matthew), but IIRC Dan Stevens wanted to go on to bigger things like movies


makeitfly August 8 2023, 00:19:39 UTC
oncourt August 8 2023, 19:52:46 UTC
I didn't know about the leaked videos, that sucks :(

I recently watched her on The Flatshare, I forgot she was so charming! I hope to see her in more things too


lozbabie August 8 2023, 13:43:02 UTC
God Sybil’s death is fucking haunting. I watched it when pregnant and sobbed till I was sick.

My cousin actually got severe Pre-eclampsia and if she didn’t deliver within 48 hours they couldn’t guarantee she’d be ok. She wanted to think it through as she was 25 weeks.

Her husband got home and put this episode on. They delivered the next day.

Thankfully both weee ok.


oncourt August 8 2023, 19:54:27 UTC
My God! Glad to know it was a happy ending


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