Real World: SF cast member Judd Winick discusses his new book

Apr 05, 2023 02:41

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If you are Old like me, you probably know Judd Winick as one of the roommates on the third season of The Real World (which most people remember for the endless fights between Puck and Pedro). At the time, Judd was a struggling cartoonist. After filming for the season ended, he and fellow castmate Pam began dating and eventually got married ( Read more... )

reality show celebrity, cartoon network, 1990s, books / authors, reality show - mtv, interview, art / artist

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Comments 58

dull_and_wicked April 5 2023, 15:22:17 UTC
every once in a while i remember that Under the Red Hood writer Judd Winick is also Judd from the real world san fran and i chuckle, smallest world ever.

i'm (barely) hoping that they do a live action adaptation of it at some point now that WB's officially announced that they're finally putting multiple robins/batfam members into the movies


marwari_mettle April 5 2023, 15:51:27 UTC
He did Under The Red Hood?! That's prob one of my favorite DC movies. If Jensen Ackles (who did the voice) was younger, I could totally see him playing the part in a live action too.


iamkeroberos April 5 2023, 16:50:02 UTC
I was excited for a live action Jason Todd on Titans and then… Titans was trash

I have trust issues w DC, but I am glad they’re gonna start acknowledging that Bruce has a whole team/family.


xtinkerbellax April 5 2023, 15:25:12 UTC
This is the first season I watched, I remember really liking Rachel's style. He and Pam always seemed like the mature ones of the house.


muffintiem April 5 2023, 16:01:58 UTC
same, I liked her style a lot, but remember being so disappointed that Rachel had such a hardon for Jack Kemp

I loved Pam's hair


silverstarry April 5 2023, 18:29:28 UTC
Pam’s hair was gorgeous! The cut and the color were so perfect for her. I always admired it in every scene she was in.


you_hermit_crab April 5 2023, 16:27:28 UTC
I loved her style too, and I liked that she was into the crusty skaters, but man her being a republican just ruined her.


calliope1975 April 5 2023, 15:55:09 UTC
Love that he and Pam got together and that every year they remember Pedro.

I don't think you can recreate those early seasons of TRW. People are too camera conscious now.


silverstarry April 6 2023, 01:22:38 UTC

I also love that Judd and Pam didn't start dating until after the show was over so MTV didn't get to film any of it. I love reality show drama as much as the next person, but it makes me laugh that Bunim-Ellis didn't capture any of it.


munchkin1616 April 5 2023, 16:00:05 UTC
Crazy this got posted as I just got told that Danny from Real World New Orleans wrote the foreword or the afterword (I forget which) in this book, so I'm waiting for the preorder window to open

(yes, I'm a weirdo academic who is also a fan of reality tv, and yes, I am an old haha)


muffintiem April 5 2023, 16:00:41 UTC
this was one of my favorite seasons of RW, all that Puck drama was too much, the whole thing with the peanut butter, him being a giant homophobe and the entire house telling him to gtfo

Cory being upset when Jo and Rachel hit it off and became BFF

I found LA kind of corny (the reunion was great tho) so SF was a breath of fresh air and had the same vibe as the very first season


archersangel April 5 2023, 23:58:13 UTC
I was only in a place that had Cable for a few years, but the even season of The Real World were the better ones, IMHO. I migh have only seen the first 6-7 though.

I think they had Puck in the house because they knew he would cause drama, but they didn't realize how much.

I recall a big reunion show with he casts of like the first 4-5 seasons. The SF group got mad at something he said, so another group was like; "You can sit with us!" The he said something else & they told him to get away from them.


silverstarry April 6 2023, 01:25:48 UTC

This was one of my favorite seasons too, but it was in spite of Puck, not because of his presence. The rest of them seemed to get along pretty well when he wasn't around and after he left, so I would have liked seeing them getting to hang out and get to know each other without the distraction of Puck's constant antagonism.

I rewatched the whole season a month or two ago and although I remembered the major stuff (like what you mentioned), I was surprised by how much I'd forgotten because it got overshadowed by Puck and Rachel both being drama queens about everything.


silverstarry April 8 2023, 04:41:38 UTC
One thing I had forgotten about was Puck's whole engagement. He accused Pedro and Sean of getting engaged for shock value and questioned their real motives because they hadn't been dating that long. He then threatened to get married so he could upstage Pedro and Sean.

A few episodes later, Puck met some random girl at the park, started referring to her as his girlfriend right away, and allegedly got engaged. At the end of the season, the girlfriend said that they were going to get married but just hadn't had time to do it yet. They had known each other for about a month at that point.


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