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su_metal February 22 2023, 00:49:09 UTC
TWD after S3, too boring and dumb
GoT after S3, i read the books, so i was hate-watching the unnecessary raping scenes and changes
X-Files after S7, boring
Gilmore Girls after Rory started her relationship with the rich dude
Penny Dreadful, S2 penultimate episode

i can't remember more right now


deerlike February 22 2023, 02:17:11 UTC
I watched the third season of Penny Dreadful but oof, it was so rough. There were some interesting elements -- like the introduction of Dr Jekyll (and his homoerotic tension with Frankenstein), and Lily adopting Justine and the coven of vengeful streetwalkers they formed -- but then the show ruined them. And don't get me started on what they did to Vanessa and Ethan...

The Dracula reveal after two seasons of build-up was also a major disappointment. I mean, him?


su_metal February 22 2023, 12:51:34 UTC
oh wait i did finish S2, it was s3 i didn't finish!


einodia February 22 2023, 04:41:00 UTC
I was done with Penny Dreadful the second I realized they were gonna have Ethan kill Sembene. What a fucking waste of a character. And they'd already been wasting his screentime as it was.


doriiansz February 22 2023, 05:02:51 UTC
Season 7 of The X-Files was dreadful, but I really enjoyed S8 and I liked Doggett's chemistry with Scully. S9 was trash.


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