Jenna Ortega filmed Netflix's Wednesday while being Covid positive

Dec 05, 2022 21:30

this is a bad thing right? we all agree that this is not some "persevering through hardship" moment, its a why the fuck didn't she get sent home, she could get horrendously sick or infect others kinda moment
- Lily Simpson is Emotionally Dead like Twltter (@LilySimpson1312) December 3, 2022

source 2While talking about ( Read more... )

covid-19, netflix

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dreamdate December 5 2022, 21:10:28 UTC
I just know her team sat her down after this and was like okay, so what we're NOT gonna do.

I wish, in the US anyway, people took sickness seriously. Too many people push through not feeling well to go into work because they have bills, and while I know this is not the case for Jenna, I can sort of get why she'd still show up when you're the lead of a show, there's a schedule, you don't know if you're positive, etc. I just think we're too lax about sickness overall in the US.


sandstorm December 5 2022, 21:19:50 UTC

I know why (Capitalism), but it amazes me that so many people didn't learn shit from the pandemic.


dreamdate December 5 2022, 21:22:07 UTC
America. Land of the sick and poor.


callonme_84 December 5 2022, 22:11:30 UTC


theoryofwar December 5 2022, 22:55:28 UTC

And oddly proud of being without health insurance and not being paid a livable wage!


archersangel December 5 2022, 23:39:42 UTC
This reminds me that the schools I went to wanted a doctor's note every time we (brother & me) were out sick. But we couldn't afford the $70-80 or whatever it was per doctor's visit just for him to write out that we had to stay home for having a cold. We'd often go to school sick.
One time my Elementary school principal called up my mom and asked; "Is there some reason why you would send a sick child to school?" My mom replied; "I keep her home, you complain. I send her to school, you complain. What do you want from me?"


my_moloko December 5 2022, 21:31:19 UTC
It makes me angry how much government plays a role in this. Here in Ontario Doug Ford’s government has voted down ten paid sick days 28 times! Of course he gets paid sick days, paid for by us but god forbid anyone else get time off for being a human being.

I’ve seen articles from doctors saying it’s one of the biggest things we could do right now to save our healthcare system but again, he wants it to crash and burn.


better2beloved December 5 2022, 21:49:36 UTC
That asshole is intentionally letting our healthcare system get burned to the ground. Claims to be “for the people” but does everything not to help anyone.


callonme_84 December 5 2022, 22:12:04 UTC
I d k her but fuck Doug ford .


justrachna December 5 2022, 23:39:26 UTC
Drug Fraud and Galen Weston are working together to privatize healthcare


caitiecait December 6 2022, 01:07:51 UTC
Fuck Doug Ford. But especially fuck that scrotum Galen Weston. I hate him with the fire of a thousand suns.


justrachna December 6 2022, 13:14:58 UTC
He truly is a scrotum. Made 8 billion dollars off the pandemic and still busts unions, charges ungodly amounts for food, won’t pay a living wage, fixes bread pricing and is actively working to privatize health care because he owns shoppers ( which should’ve never happened). I hope he fucking dies a miserable death


daisyazul December 6 2022, 01:04:53 UTC
This. Not to mention as healthcare workers we too are getting sick. I work in a hospital and last month I got symptomatic covid and flu at the same time and they made me come back to work after five days....I was still coughing and had bad runny nose, I called out and got unexcused absences. They really don't care.


mooshki December 6 2022, 07:56:30 UTC
And here in the U.S. our President just made it illegal for rail workers to strike to get more than one day of paid sick leave. It's utterly infuriating.


irajaxon December 5 2022, 21:38:53 UTC
mte, shocking but not surprising that after all that railworkers still have to be out here fighting to get sick paid leave


wakeupem December 6 2022, 00:45:13 UTC
My hospital took away paid COVID leave and now everyone is back to working coughing/hacking/sick. 🙃


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