Jenna Ortega filmed Netflix's Wednesday while being Covid positive

Dec 05, 2022 21:30

this is a bad thing right? we all agree that this is not some "persevering through hardship" moment, its a why the fuck didn't she get sent home, she could get horrendously sick or infect others kinda moment
- Lily Simpson is Emotionally Dead like Twltter (@LilySimpson1312) December 3, 2022

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covid-19, netflix

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dreamdate December 5 2022, 21:10:28 UTC
I just know her team sat her down after this and was like okay, so what we're NOT gonna do.

I wish, in the US anyway, people took sickness seriously. Too many people push through not feeling well to go into work because they have bills, and while I know this is not the case for Jenna, I can sort of get why she'd still show up when you're the lead of a show, there's a schedule, you don't know if you're positive, etc. I just think we're too lax about sickness overall in the US.


mooshki December 6 2022, 07:56:56 UTC
That's literally insane.


veal December 5 2022, 21:25:18 UTC
So many companies in the US only give a few sick days a year, or worse combine sick and vacation so it hurts the employee to use sick days. It’s gross.


squirrels_oh_no December 5 2022, 21:38:04 UTC
Yep, my last job combined them and i worked while sick because I'd already booked and paid for a vacation and couldn't afford to take sick leave. And we only got 2 weeks a year of PTO total.


cleanofslate December 5 2022, 22:02:20 UTC
i worked for a place that required you to work a full year before you got any pto/vacation. after that first year you got five days for sick and pto (combined) each year for the next five years before you were eligible for another five. flu went around that office so much. that's how i got swine flu, in fact. people wouldn't use their vacation time to stay home and get better. the one good thing about that place was they paid your health insurance in full, and it was very good coverage.


readmymiind December 6 2022, 22:13:11 UTC
that's how it is in mexico. we recently got 12 years after you had one year, before, it was only 6 days off.


itsme_eloise December 5 2022, 21:52:42 UTC

I work for a healthcare system that combines sick and vacation days. if anyone should understand why this penalizes employees for prioritizing health it's an industry that's about to collapse under strain and understaffing.


callonme_84 December 5 2022, 22:16:12 UTC
I didn’t realize I got sick time at one of my part time jobs- so 3 years in (that’s last year) I noticed and the amount rack up( bc I hadn’t used them) to like 68 hours! And I only started taking sick days in October this year- my work is v lax about them and u can use them for mental health and u don’t need a doc note ….so I’m out with covid now and luckily I can have it all covered and have some left over.

Now I don’t get vacation time, but I can use sick time for it & say I need a mental health day or 2


notstaceydash December 5 2022, 23:06:44 UTC
I get no sick days or vacation, thank god I only get a mild cold like once every 5 years!


srslyy December 6 2022, 00:28:26 UTC
My job just switched to combining them and tried to make a big song and dance about how it was better. Uh no.


manu19 December 6 2022, 06:12:06 UTC
This is so wild to me how you can have a limited amount of sick days. It’s not like you normally choose to be sick and can decide for how long??


jinny December 5 2022, 21:27:56 UTC
Yes, I definitely was like this myself for years tbh. I would get bronchitis/common cold, and I would never call out. I would show up as if my life depended on it, and well frankly I worked in retail, so you kinda had to. No one would ever work my shifts if I needed it, yet I would work theirs so often. Smh.


cleanofslate December 5 2022, 22:04:14 UTC
me too but i work desk jobs and would keep paper masks on me to wear. i got used to using that kind of stuff as a kid when my dad had a kidney transplant and we had to be super careful around him, so i guess it never was weird to me.


theactualworst December 5 2022, 21:33:04 UTC
Most US companies simply do not respect sick time. My firm had no special leave for COVID and we have to accrue our PTO. I got COVID the first week of January so I didn’t have time accrued yet. I tried to work from home but simply could not because I felt so bad and the brain fog was unreal. I ended up having to take a week unpaid. It’s so fucked.

Sick time should be unlimited with a policy that if you have to be out more than 3 days you need a doctors note. That’s how it won’t get abused. Vacation time and sick time being rolled into one is crazy. I can’t plan an illness but if I get sick and use up my PTO I’d have to cancel a vacation. It’s insane.


halevy December 5 2022, 21:52:38 UTC

Oh man I’m sorry that happened to you. My coworker/friend caught covid going to get groceries in BC and was forced to use all her PTO to recover. She continued to be sick on and off due to that and other issues, and was forced to take unpaid time repeatedly this year because you aren’t allowed to use vacation for same day absences or even a day ahead. You have to book them so far in advance, except how do we know when we’ll get sick? There is nothing in place for people who get sick unexpectedly or are disabled/chronically ill. This same friend of mine just had a cancer scare and was forced to take more unpaid time for her colonoscopy.


lpbrowncoat December 6 2022, 08:09:58 UTC
My company has a policy that we can't call in sick the day after a weekend holiday without a doctor's note and if we do, it's unpaid leave. One of my former managers didn't believe in emergencies so I always scheduled my doctor's appointments in advance, although there were times I had to take same day appointments because I have an autoimmune disease and I needed to see my doctor ASAP.


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