Celebrities Say They’re Quitting Twitter as Elon Musk Takes Over: “I’m Out of Here”

Oct 29, 2022 11:23

Celebrities Say They’re Quitting Twitter As Elon Musk Takes Over: “I’m Out of Here” https://t.co/sbCam1yP97
- The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) October 28, 2022
As Twitter is now in the hands of Evil Elon, celebs are quitting the social media platform. This Is Us executive producer Ken Olin and Billions showrunner Brian Koppelman have both said they're ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, jameela jamil, mia / ronan farrow, computers and technology

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Comments 176

doriiansz October 29 2022, 09:52:14 UTC
glitterslugs October 29 2022, 20:08:43 UTC


kaiserschmarrn October 29 2022, 09:54:12 UTC
That'll show him.


celja October 29 2022, 09:56:10 UTC
He has all the good guys in his corner

Congratulations to @elonmusk Maybe now I can get @verified pic.twitter.com/nlij2dPnnr
- O.J. Simpson (@TheRealOJ32) October 28, 2022


therearewords October 29 2022, 11:45:37 UTC


trekkiepetrelli October 29 2022, 11:49:17 UTC
We 👏🏼need👏🏼 a 👏🏼throw up 👏🏼reaction 👏🏼


toxic_illusion October 29 2022, 12:33:31 UTC
frank better give us a throw up reaction or else Elon is gonna buy us.


skyler_white_yo October 29 2022, 09:58:50 UTC
Celebs (and people in general) are too dependent on Twitter and parasocial relationships to ever truly leave. If and only if a new social media becomes as wide spread to replace Twitter, then people will leave.


thereinventions October 29 2022, 12:45:52 UTC
I have to add companies and various industries like journalism may require and depend on it, too. :/


skyler_white_yo October 29 2022, 12:58:29 UTC
Exactly. Twitter won’t start circling the drain until something else comes along that is able to take its place.


oh_ilikethat_2 October 29 2022, 13:28:58 UTC
Yep. I work in public affairs and rely on twitter very heavily. When I'm trying to uncover a dark money trail, Twitter is a goldmine.


cstoffer October 29 2022, 10:09:32 UTC
As an elder millennial I’m glad I didn’t grow up with the shit show that is SM.

Twitter never was big in my friends group, so good riddance.

I haven’t logged into my Facebook or snap chat accounts in months and I’m slowly stopping my usage of instagram. It has done wonders to my mental health.


hellojeds October 29 2022, 11:07:52 UTC
Gen X here and same! I weaned myself off FB after practically living on it during lockdown. Haven't looked back. Never been keen on Instagram thankfully.


angriest_girl October 29 2022, 11:27:47 UTC
I’m Gen X; deleted Facebook 5 or 6 years ago because it was just my bogan racist relatives pissing me off or randoms from high school popping up suddenly wanting to know what I was up to. I deleted Twitter not long after because it just made me feel angry all the damn time. I only have Instagram now and I just look at pictures and videos of cats and brightly coloured homes. It’s so peaceful.


justyourfaceha October 29 2022, 11:52:37 UTC
I wish I could delete it all too but I work in marketing and need to stay on top of it all. 😖 It's so tiring.


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