Move Over, Miss Swift! Celebs accused of drought violations in California

Aug 22, 2022 17:06

Among the addresses that received "notices of exceedance" was an $18 million Hidden Hills property, which exceeded its allocated water budget in June by more than 1,400% - or 90,000 gallons.
- Los Angeles Times (@latimes) August 22, 2022

As with much of the world, California is currently experiencing one of the worst water ( Read more... )

eat the rich, sports / athletes, actor / actress

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fauxkaren August 23 2022, 03:45:49 UTC
These rich folks have the money. They can hire the best landscapers to create some beautiful drought resistant landscaping.

My fam hasn't watered our lawn in YEARS. lmao. It's super dried up and not curb appealing and my parents want to put in the drought resistant landscaping but it is $$$ to get the nicer looking stuff and to pay someone to design and install it. ANYWAY, that is not a barrier to these rich people!

Stop wasting our water!!


myrasis August 23 2022, 04:58:12 UTC
get some cardboard for free from a store and use it to kill your grass if it's not already dead, you can get free truck-loads of woodchips from Chipdrop if it's in your area to spread on the cardboard and use as mulch to keep things from drying out and killing weeds. buy some drought-tolerant native grasses and wildflowers (or moss, or clover, there are so many kinds of ground cover), reducing the amount of maintenance and giving the pollinators something to eat.

free yourself from Big Lawn Care!!!


itsme_eloise August 23 2022, 05:01:33 UTC
I LOVE clover and wish municipalities would use it everywhere they have grass installed.


winx August 23 2022, 11:49:33 UTC
Pull up, clover hive!
It makes your garden look like a fairytale, the bees love it and it’s hardy as fuck, what’s not to love


fauxkaren August 23 2022, 05:21:29 UTC
lol Our grass is def already dead. It has not been watered probably since 2015, lmao. My dad just decided to let it die with the intention of replacing it with drought tolerant stuff... and then didn't. So now it's just dead!

These are some good tips!

Now it's just a matter of getting my parents to commit to a design. I think my mom would probs love moss as ground cover and some wood chips and walking paths with native wildflowers and plants like rosemary and sage scattered throughout.

But getting my parents to commit to things is a STRUGGLE. ;_;


jinxeh13 August 23 2022, 12:38:24 UTC
Love this.

Our front yard doesn't even need to be mowed anymore. It's in shade all day, so it's mostly just moss and clover. Love not having to worry about it. We ignore the tree lawn until it needs a quick go-over with the weedwhacker lol.

The backyard was interesting this year. We had these purple flowers EVERYWHERE, and the bees just loved them? So we just...didn't mow. Our neighbor wasn't pleased, but that guy sucks anyway, so fuck 'im. And we finally, after being in this house for six years, turned the back corner into a garden. Now we have so many tomatoes and peppers...and cantaloupe!


green_monsterx August 23 2022, 11:54:01 UTC
Yeah I don’t water mine either lol it’s burnt and patchy but it feels like a waste of water and also I pay for water lmao do I rather save money than have a lush lawn 🤷🏻‍♀️


tanglespiders August 23 2022, 14:02:15 UTC
Does LA County (or other parts of CA) have rebates for replacing lawns? Like, over here we can get them for rain gardens, so whatever you call the opposite of that lol


i_am_nerg August 23 2022, 15:44:42 UTC
Yes there is a "Cash for Grass" rebate program that I wish more people would take advantage of. It is changing things but very slowly.


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