Move Over, Miss Swift! Celebs accused of drought violations in California

Aug 22, 2022 17:06

Among the addresses that received "notices of exceedance" was an $18 million Hidden Hills property, which exceeded its allocated water budget in June by more than 1,400% - or 90,000 gallons.
- Los Angeles Times (@latimes) August 22, 2022

As with much of the world, California is currently experiencing one of the worst water droughts in recent history, for the third year in a row. The state has been implementing many restrictions and water usage cuts in order to keep up with the demand of its populous, however, it would seem some celebs didn't get the memo! The Times recently obtained documents detailing 2,000 customers under the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District (that services the San Fernando Valley, home to Calabasas and Hidden Hills) who were issued "notices of exceedance" in the months of May and June. The notices indicate these homeowners used “150% of the monthly [water] budgets at least four times since the agency declared a drought emergency at the end of last year.”

Among the biggest wasters?

- Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union's $18 million Hidden Hills residence, which exceeded is allocated water budget by 1400%, or 90,000 gallons of water (This is an improvement to their May budget, which was 489,000 gallons yes you read that correctly)

- Sylvester Stallone and Jennifer Flavin's 18 million Hidden Hills residence which also boast 2.26 acres exceeded 533%, or 230,000 gallons (increased from 195,000 gallons)

- Kevin Hart's 26-acre property, that exceeded 519% or 117,000 gallons

- Kim Kardashian's Hidden Hills home and adjacent property, 534% or 232,000 gallons, while Kourtney Kardashian's 1.86 acre Calabasas residence exceeded 101,000 gallons

They all have v v good reason, though, of course! Like...pool maintenance issues, and to sometimes water the mature trees on their lot (never mind there's a public service that can help with that but whatev!)

Since the documents have been published, only Union and Wade have put out a statement acknowledging their waste and their plans to reduce their outrage usage. Stallone's attorney claims the numbers “mischaracterize and misrepresent the situation regarding the water usage at my client’s property” (lol ok), citing private property maintenance. In addition to celebrities, the list of addresses that have received notices includes the homes of attorneys, doctors, and Hollywood executives. Hart and the Kardashians have not issued statements since.

In light of this, the properties in question have been issued flow restrictor devices, which can "reduce showers to a trickle and silence lawn sprinklers." To put things in perspective, due to the direness of the current situation, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has requested residents to cut back to about 80 gallons of water per person per day in order to maintain the shortage.


As a native Californian, I will shame these people till I can't no more. Big ol F U to all these folks tbh

eat the rich, sports / athletes, actor / actress
