Move Over, Miss Swift! Celebs accused of drought violations in California

Aug 22, 2022 17:06

Among the addresses that received "notices of exceedance" was an $18 million Hidden Hills property, which exceeded its allocated water budget in June by more than 1,400% - or 90,000 gallons.
- Los Angeles Times (@latimes) August 22, 2022

As with much of the world, California is currently experiencing one of the worst water ( Read more... )

eat the rich, sports / athletes, actor / actress

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sisterruth August 23 2022, 03:42:09 UTC
Ugh, this is insanely gross. Also, please ban golf courses (or their water usage).


chll51 August 23 2022, 03:42:46 UTC
Omg yes. They waste so much water.


maeir August 23 2022, 03:55:50 UTC
but especially in places like arizona and new mexico! California isn't the only problem state for water usage!


pumkinbutter August 23 2022, 11:25:31 UTC
tanglespiders August 23 2022, 13:42:27 UTC
of course, if you bring up golf courses, they’ll cry that they only take up a small percentage of statewide usage, and agriculture takes up the most. obviously they are of equal importance.


somechickxoxo August 23 2022, 23:01:30 UTC
I’m so tired of people defending golf courses. Some are even like “well they use reclaimed/recycled water!” But I highly doubt that. They’re such a damn waste.
If you want to get your jollies off swinging an iron and hitting a ball you can do so in fake grass. Is it the same? No. But much better for everyone.


irajaxon August 23 2022, 04:28:12 UTC
golf coursea are so fucking pointless and wasteful, they should all should be seized so free housing can be built for those experiencing houselessness and housing insecurity


libre_m August 23 2022, 14:15:09 UTC
Interestingly, a lot of golf courses are built on flood planes that should never be approved for housing.
Personally, I'd convert them all to public parklands. People should have big, green, open spaces in their communities.


paixetdamour_x August 23 2022, 22:50:06 UTC

During covid, they tried doing this at a golf course in my city and someone burned down the building they were going to house people in.


snortingcoke August 23 2022, 09:39:54 UTC
i just found out there's over 1800 (!!!!) golf courses in the uk and we currently have a drought too, but golf courses are exempt from the water restrictions. i'm here turning off my shower after lathering to save water and keep my usage below 3 minutes and these fuckers are sprinkling their greens so some rich people can hit a ball? nah


colahell August 23 2022, 11:05:05 UTC
We’re currently in one of the worst droughts in memory here in France (I’m in SW where there’s been wildfires along the coastline of Gironde). Reading the prefecture guidelines for water management you can still water all sports grounds including golf courses. So an environmentalist group decided that enough was enough and filled in the holes of one golf course with cement. Nice and simple, better that than destroying the course. I’ve been using my soapy shower run off to help keep a few of my garden plants alive, most of them are classed as drought resistant but the heat, lack of humidity is just killing everything.


winx August 23 2022, 11:48:30 UTC
Everytime I drive past the local golf club and see emerald grass it makes me so fucking mad.
Your stupid game of walk-walk-ball-tap is not more important than water conservation you limp dicked losers.


sibylblack August 23 2022, 13:46:39 UTC
Yes please. Not only they're a disgrace for the enviroment but I also genuinely can't understand how people have fun playing golf, it's such a hellish way to spend time


flawed_x_design August 23 2022, 14:03:41 UTC
Golf courses are truly so bad for the environment. The land clearing, the extreme water usage, the contamination from the sheer volume of fertilisers and chemicals they use for the grass.... horrible


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