Avril is engaged

Apr 08, 2022 03:23


Avril Lavigne is engaged to rapper ModSun after a year of dating. The couple met in December 2020 after collaborating on a track together.

This will be Avril third marriage (if they make it to the altar).

[close up of the ring inside]
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avril lavigne, engagement

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spittingfish April 7 2022, 22:43:02 UTC
Statement of fact. 3 marriages is a lot.


howthedaysounds April 7 2022, 23:01:15 UTC
Yeah I've been married (and divorced) once, and I'm open to it again but if that one doesn't work out I don't see it happening a third time.


silverstarry April 8 2022, 01:29:52 UTC
Part of me sincerely thinks well, good for you for continuing to believe that this time it will work out!

The other part of me is like hey, you know you don't have to get married every time, right?


spittingfish April 8 2022, 01:31:19 UTC

I got married right before my 8 year anniversary so MAYBE I’m too slow, but 2 years seems crazy to me. And both years we were in a pandemic?? Surely that affected some of it.


silverstarry April 8 2022, 01:43:51 UTC
Someone I know got married after they'd been together for eight years. At the bachelorette party, I overheard two of her friends talking about how it was about time and that they shouldn't have waited so long. I was offended on her behalf because if more people waited more than a few months to get engaged, they would save themselves the legal hassle (and expense) of getting divorced. It's a lot easier to break up and move out than it is to go through the process of getting a divorce.

I fully support waiting a few years to get married. One couple I knew met, dated, got engaged, and got married all within a year (the wedding was on the one year anniversary of their first date). That could never be me!


xpirate_queenx April 8 2022, 04:04:24 UTC
A childhood friend of mine was on hubby #4 before she was 30.


silverstarry April 8 2022, 05:26:38 UTC
A woman I worked with was 34 and on her third marriage when I met her. She divorced less than a year later because she met someone else. She said that she was done with legal marriages. She and guy #4 had a Burning Man wedding but did not legally get married (which is a good thing because he was an abusive POS and she thankfully left him a few years later).


halevy April 12 2022, 00:49:32 UTC
Reminds me when I worked retail and I met a woman who was with her third husband and like... 5th kid between him and the previous partners. Alberta folks man.


jinxeh13 April 8 2022, 12:19:08 UTC
It took so much out of me to get married once. And I'm happy, we're happy, but if this should ever not work out idk if I could go through it again. Took us 10 years to get to the altar in the first place, lol.

I guess if you're rich, it's a little different. A lot of people hold off because of financial instability, but if you're rich it's just "well, we have the money, let's throw a big party and let the lawyers deal with the important stuff."


jinxeh13 April 8 2022, 12:27:14 UTC
Also, I know a girl that gets engaged to every dude she dates. It's like as soon as she starts getting serious with someone the next logical step isn't moving in together or going on a trip or getting a pet or etc, it's getting engaged. I lost count at 6 engagements tbh. Now whenever she posts a new "I'm engaged!" photo, I have noticed that people are generally less enthusiastic in their responses lol.

Seems like those relationships tend to end quickly after the engagement (I don't think she has ever even gotten to the wedding planning stages of any of those engagements) so maybe it's just a last ditch "oh shit I have to save this" thing, idk.


maidenhell April 8 2022, 15:25:35 UTC
Three marriages to three guys like this is a lot.


eatmydustbinns April 8 2022, 16:05:50 UTC
Serial marriages seem like a very expensive hobby


pretend_to_care April 9 2022, 12:56:34 UTC
I've always kind of railed against the institution of marriage while acknowledging that I would get married if there was some legal benefit needed for one or both of us. My partner was married once before (high school sweethearts, amicable divorce when they realized they grew up to be different people) and was similarly uninterested in getting married again ( ... )


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