Paris Hilton pushes for US youth care abuse reform

Oct 21, 2021 05:57

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Hours ago, Paris Hilton advocated in favour of the bill on children's treatment centers. She talked about how she couldn't sleep for years because of her loneliness, the violence she faced and the loss of her years in the 'troubled teen' industry. She also detailed that she was strangled, slapped across the face, watched in the shower, called ( Read more... )

paris hilton

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arilicious October 20 2021, 22:41:02 UTC
parents spend money to have their "troubled" teen (aka they may party too much or drink too much or perform delinquent petty crimes) to these places to "fix them" basically. many of these places treat their teens with highly abusive measures and they do more harm than good.


goshipgurl October 20 2021, 23:34:22 UTC

Wow, how is that even legal... I don't think camps like this exist in my country.


arilicious October 20 2021, 23:47:36 UTC
I honestly don't understand how it's legal either. It's straight up child abuse.


omni_videns October 21 2021, 01:12:21 UTC
They don't even have to be drinking or partying.

Even things like being "moody" or not putting up with poor treatment by parents can be enough to get a kid in one of these places.


onadarknight October 21 2021, 22:24:34 UTC
So basically for lazy rich parents who can't be bothered to parent when their kids start acting out?


arilicious October 22 2021, 00:32:57 UTC
pretty much


debbiesgirl October 20 2021, 22:47:16 UTC
skyler_white_yo October 20 2021, 23:46:51 UTC
Scared straight doesn’t do shit for the kids. Instead of sticking a kid in a room where they get screamed at for three hours (which is probably what they get at home anyway), they need to do better at mental health diagnosis and proper treatment.


debbiesgirl October 21 2021, 00:34:26 UTC

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