BBC confirms Jodie Whittaker (and Showrunner Chris Chibnall) officially leaving 'DOCTOR WHO'

Jul 29, 2021 12:57

BREAKING: Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall to leave Doctor Who in a trio of Specials, culminating in an epic blockbuster Special to air in autumn 2022 as part of the BBC’s Centenary celebrations.

Read the full story ➡️
- Doctor Who (@bbcdoctorwho) July 29, 2021
- BBC confirmed that Jodie Whittaker ( Read more... )

doctor who (bbc), torchwood (bbc / starz)

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Comments 48

drblind July 29 2021, 18:34:57 UTC
i stopped watching around the time clara showed up so i'm oblivious

is the fandom as big as it used to be during the superwholock era of tumblr hell?


tinurix July 29 2021, 18:45:45 UTC
It's much smaller at the moment. I didn't even see any chatter about the recent trailer until several days later. To be fair, though, the buzz was starting to slowly die down with Capaldi.


frelling_tralk July 29 2021, 18:54:16 UTC
I don’t think it’s ever been what it once was during the David Tennent and Matt Smith era, there’s still a sizeable fandom, but it doesn’t seem to be as big with the general British public any more


therearewords July 29 2021, 18:38:03 UTC


babycheeses1 July 29 2021, 19:05:18 UTC
Yikes at that retcon! I haven't watched in years though. 9,10,11,and I noped out somewhere around 12 - I mean Peter Capaldi was a a good doctor but he was given nothing to work with, but ugh I really miss watching this and just how genuinely excited it made me feel. I think that's the last time I felt that way about a show 😢.


a_files06 July 29 2021, 19:14:19 UTC
Im tired with the 3 year rotation. Surprise us!


kimmy_kun July 29 2021, 19:22:08 UTC
I mostly stopped watching around the time Clara showed up. I just couldn't with her.

I did watch a handful of Jodie's episodes, but no. Too many companions and, ngl, I just didn't buy her as the doctor. One of the episodes I did watch was with Jo Martin, and what a difference. When she showed up next to Jodie and the buried Tardis, she was 100% the Doctor. She just felt like the character.

I hope that whole mess gets retconed and she can come back as the Doctor.


shangman July 29 2021, 19:41:29 UTC
Yeah Jo Martin was sooooooo much more the Doctor tbh, I felt a bit robbed when they cast her as the alt Doctor, it would've been better the other way round. It would be great to use her now and not dangle the things we want in front of us but not commit!


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