James Corden’s “Spill Your Guts” Will No Longer Feature Asian Delicacies

Jul 06, 2021 10:25

Corden has addressed the backlash over "Spill Your Guts" for the first time, vowing to give the segment a culturally sensitive makeover. https://t.co/uFl5zxEQP8
- VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) July 6, 2021
  • Earlier this month, a viral TikTok made by Kim Saira highlighted how “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts”-a confessional game where guests must either ( Read more... )

sure jan, james corden, british celebrities, late night talk show, interview

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gemini_girl07 July 6 2021, 14:37:05 UTC
🙄 he's trash...I cannot name one thing he's done or been in that I liked. He's annoying


evett July 6 2021, 15:12:45 UTC
thankfully Begin Again is good enough that not even James Cordon and Adam Levine could ruin it


cecilia_tallis July 6 2021, 15:31:50 UTC
I love that movie so much


gemini_girl07 July 6 2021, 17:42:51 UTC
I've never seen it but I like that review 🤣


angriest_girl July 6 2021, 21:33:06 UTC
I don’t watch late show kind of TV, so until all this hoo ha about him being a knob started coming out, I only ever knew him from things like Gavin & Stacey and Fat Friends, and I liked him a lot in those. I think if he’d stayed in his lane as the chubby sidekick in low key British comedies and dramadies he’d be a lot more likeable.


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