Keira Knightley: I Don’t Know Any Woman Who Hasn’t Been Harassed, Groped, Flashed, or More

Jun 08, 2021 17:30

Keira Knightley: I Don’t Know Any Woman Who Hasn’t Been Harassed, Groped, Flashed, or More
- IndieWire (@IndieWire) June 8, 2021
In a new profile for Harper's Bazaar, Keira Knightley discussed misogyny and harassment in Hollywood and in general. During the interview a strange man approached Knightley ( Read more... )

sensitive content, keira knightley, sexism, interview

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anterrabre June 8 2021, 16:04:36 UTC
Well, she didn't lie.

People in general need to socialize their male children better. I remember being like 16 and walking around this neighborhood when this guy (also a teen) ran up to me and grabbed my ass hard, then stopped to talk. I was so in shock I asked him "Why did you do that?" to which he said "I don't know, you're pretty...and I wanted to get your attention."

To which I said "No. You frightened me. Girls do not like it when you touch them like this, period; it makes them think you are a pervert and they want nothing to do with you! If you are interested in a woman please just go up to her and talk to her and if she doesn't want to talk back leave them alone!"

His response was very nice and he was very apologetic. He said he was raised to think this was simply the way you communicated to women you liked them; he had no idea that it made girls feel threatened. He said that after he talked to me he would never do it again and he apologized to me. I have no idea where he is now but I hope he stuck with his promise.

Yeah, we as a society need to start socializing our male children a hell of a lot better. Keep your hands to yourself. An older girl having sex with you as a pre-teen isn't a "SCORE!" it's rape. Stop doing shit to make women feel uncomfortable. Use your talking skills.


rubie_dubidoux June 8 2021, 19:14:09 UTC
one of the most unnerving incidents of sexual harassment/intimidation I've experienced was when a group of literal children started yelling shit at me and following me around a BART platform. this was at like 2 in the afternoon and there were plenty of people around and they were getting right up next to me and saying the most lewd and obscene stuff. they couldn't have been older than like, 14. they even followed me on the train and only dispersed when I sat a few seats away from some random guy and they were like "oh is that your boyfriend?" and walked off. like... clearly this man is not my boyfriend lmao what but that was all it took I guess


couldvelovedyou June 9 2021, 07:22:52 UTC
I was going over this thread when this memory suddenly hit me of this grown ass man chasing me and my best friend (we were I think 15) down a street, we were running away and so freaked out until we saw a guy sitting on a bench and we just kind of huddled up to him, and the guy who was chasing us left us alone after that.


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anterrabre June 8 2021, 22:56:06 UTC
That's part of it.

Just like young girls get put in the special health class to learn about periods, etc male students need to have a special class dealing with issues of harassment, consent, and other issues for them to give them another point of view because if you grow up around men constantly disrespecting women the odds are high that they will think it's okay.


villanellesalt June 9 2021, 14:54:31 UTC
Same thing happened when I was like in 4th grade (10 year olds). There a young attractive female teacher and the boys would literally touch her behind when she walked by them. The male principal didn't care.


elevatorshaker June 9 2021, 09:28:49 UTC
You think he didn't know? He fucking knew. That was the reason he did it. And anyway, not slapping the asses of women he doesn't even know leaves a vast array of shitty behaviors that he's not going to consider "as bad" as that so he can tell himself he's doing a good job.


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