Tom Cavanagh and Carlos Valdes Exit The Flash

May 08, 2021 01:07

Carlos Valdes and Tom Cavanagh are both ending their runs on #TheFlash after seven seasons.
- Entertainment Weekly (@EW) May 4, 2021

-Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash/about a hundred other Wells characters) was originally due to exit the show at the end of season 6, but with covid shutting production ( Read more... )

television - cw, the flash (cw)

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nomorefrostbite May 8 2021, 02:53:19 UTC
I will ETERNALLY miss E2 Wells!

i prefer matt letscher as eobard thawne


buries May 8 2021, 02:59:03 UTC
i loved him in s1 as thawne but when e2 wells arrived on the scene, he wiped the floor with eobard's ass in being the sassiest tom cav mofo. just let matt come back!!!!!


nomorefrostbite May 8 2021, 03:00:42 UTC
This is a very very fair point!!! E2 Harry was EVERYTHING.


buries May 8 2021, 04:03:24 UTC
btw, i haven't been paying attention to the flash posts on ontd in a long time bc the show kinda sucks now, but your posts and comments have always been a highlight! we may lose tom cav, but we have not lost his biggest stan. ♥


nomorefrostbite May 8 2021, 04:26:05 UTC
Bless you bb! 💖

Hard agree, the show does kinda suck now, I stopped watching in season 6 and just lost track of it. Gone are the days of my Flash SDCC posts which took like 14hrs to make!


genjinjur May 8 2021, 07:51:17 UTC
OMG I haven't watched this show in years but this post brought back all my feelings for Harrison Wells. Look at him, he's so beautiful and amazing <3 Looking forward to Tom's next project!


nomorefrostbite May 8 2021, 08:05:55 UTC
Harrison Wells and TomCav TRULY is a level of beauty we mere mortals can only aspire to!!


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