Lindsay Ellis on JK Rowling's Transphobia

Feb 25, 2021 08:39

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YouTube video essayist / pop culture critic Lindsay Ellis breaks down ( Read more... )

harry potter, j.k. rowling, internet celebrities

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junhyosungs February 25 2021, 01:16:33 UTC
this video is a great follow up to contrapoints' video on jk rowling. most of the movies mentioned in the video i've heard of but never watched and it's shocking how much the ~gross man in a dress~ twist is used in these popular movies! like ace ventura, i've never actually watched it and i had no idea it had those components.
the video just really drives home the point of how important representation is in media. i was watching an interview of contrapoints and she mentions how she had trouble accepting she was trans because most trans women she saw in the media were dead prostitutes on shows like svu and she didn't want to see herself like that. it's just really interesting to think about.


missjersey February 25 2021, 01:18:02 UTC
Lindsay's opening line "Well. It appears that I've been summoned" was great lol


junhyosungs February 25 2021, 01:20:16 UTC
i love them both so seeing them interact makes my breadtube heart happy lmao. i know they've been friends for a long time but i hope one day they do a true video collab!


missjersey February 25 2021, 01:24:39 UTC
Haha same. I've watched Lindsay's content since Nostalgia Chick, and Natalie for maybe 2 years. Her videos have helped me understand trans issues in a way that I never knew/considered before.


juliette666 February 25 2021, 11:47:04 UTC
Gal pals!


darklitplanet February 25 2021, 01:25:14 UTC
contrapoints’ video on jkr was really good, i can struggle to keep my attention on long videos like that but that one was a happy exception


junhyosungs February 25 2021, 01:45:54 UTC
i'll admit it took me like 3 days to watch it but even still natalie's videos are super engaging! i just watch them before bed and i get sleepy lol


feelingcold February 25 2021, 03:13:34 UTC
The montage of guys vomiting after realizing a woman is trans was horrifying. It's not like I haven't seen this stuff before but seeing it all grouped together made me realize how loud and incessant that message must be to trans people.


junhyosungs February 25 2021, 03:59:47 UTC
it's just so.. demeaning? like there's no motive behind it other than to shit on trans women it's so fucking mean spirited and disgusting. makes me so angry


mwffj February 25 2021, 15:40:38 UTC
Yeah same. Having lived through that time and looking back I was like 😬 but this made me realize just how OVERWHELMING the message of disgust was. I knew it wasn't good, but holy shit it was BAD.

And like, being an adult now and much more aware of LGBTQ issues than I was during my suppressed Catholic upbringing, it's just like, what's the big deal. So what, you're a straight man who kissed someone who was assigned male at birth.


pseudonygma February 25 2021, 03:31:37 UTC
Ace Ventura shocked me primarily because it's meant to be a children's film. It's so incredibly damaging. The entire bit was completely unnecessary. Nothing of value is lost by cutting it out.


sillycucumber2 February 25 2021, 04:19:08 UTC
I swear I am not trying to shit storm but I heard Contrapoints used to be online as a controversial male. Have any of y'all seen it? I haven't looked deep enough.


blanchedavidian February 25 2021, 07:55:36 UTC
Contrapoints has made a lot of videos with the purpose of trying to deradicalize gamergate people and alright people. That has naturally courted controversy. I like Natalie's videos a lot - they're great for showing to people who are libs or middle of the road and introducing them to more leftist ideas because she doesn't say "everyone with a different opinion than me sucks". The JK Rowling video in particular has a lot of good examples of this ( ... )


sadteenager February 26 2021, 05:18:11 UTC
she was "controversial" to the right bc she was gender nonconforming and the left finds her ~controversial bc she doesn't usually outright cancel people. she does nuanced analyses of people and situations and that's not allowed on woke twitter lol.


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