Lindsay Ellis on JK Rowling's Transphobia

Feb 25, 2021 08:39

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YouTube video essayist / pop culture critic Lindsay Ellis breaks down:
- why JK Rowling's transphobia is dangerous
- that transphobic essay won an award apparently???
- how Troubled Blood was transphobic, actually
- and fatphobic
- it *is* a lot!!
- basically the series is bad and dated and JKR ain't slick w her self-insert
- just all the many ways Hollywood was dangerously transphobic

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I know this is just shocking but the lead designer of Hogwarts Legacy is Troy Leavitt, a far right YouTuber who used to make anti-fem and pro GG vids:
- Liam Robertson (@Doctor_Cupcakes) February 20, 2021

source one / two / three

ONTD do u wish you never got into harry potter?

harry potter, j.k. rowling, internet celebrities
