Dominic West & family leave UK, will stay together in Ireland for a while

Oct 14, 2020 18:46

Dominic West and his wife 'leave UK flying to Ireland' amid his cosy snaps with Lily James
- Daily Express (@Daily_Express) October 14, 2020
So apparently the touching husband-wife reunion, handwritten note and all, DIDN'T happen in front of the family castle, but in the West family home in Wiltshire ( Read more... )

lily james, marriage / wedding, scandal, the affair (showtime)

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ljtryout October 14 2020, 23:33:12 UTC

Didn't his character in The Affair also lived with his wife in a very fancy home in a rich town but he still cheated on her on a little cabin down the beach?

I see patterns...


sarahvma October 14 2020, 23:42:37 UTC
That also almost describes his character in The Hour.


ohmylol October 14 2020, 23:53:51 UTC
how many cheaters has he played?? is he a method actor or is he just playing himself?


alienjive October 14 2020, 23:27:28 UTC
I’m getting flashbacks to Ben McKenzie and Morena Baccarin’s whirlwind series of scandalous affair news stories years ago. Tomorrow Lily will be pregnant, and by Monday, the antichrist she’s harboring will have already been born.


t_snake October 14 2020, 23:29:15 UTC
That was WILD


ext_2796703 October 14 2020, 23:30:23 UTC
Richard Madden will claim paternity. This scandal will just keep going!


pikapika217 October 14 2020, 23:31:44 UTC
now THAT was a week of scandal!

I'm still annoyed at the general tone some people had about her first husband being ugly so 'they got her cheating' which is such bullshit. like imagine having what to your knowledge is a happy marriage, or even a rough patch, and discovering your spouse is not only cheating but expecting a baby via the other party?! And so soon after their own son had been born!


co_lo October 14 2020, 23:27:34 UTC
I wish I could pack up my life and leave to my castle in the countryside


vanhrh October 15 2020, 01:09:40 UTC
Is that Eleonora Sava in your icon?


co_lo October 15 2020, 01:46:41 UTC


andisprohi October 15 2020, 05:21:43 UTC

... )


pikapika217 October 14 2020, 23:28:10 UTC
the funniest thing is that I initially thought this was Lily Collins because I'm so used to thinking of James with blonde hair.

but what a MESS?? LIKE, even IF you're going to be trifling enough to go for some old married dick at least choose a hotter man?? LOVE YOURSELF THAT MUCH GIRL


sarahvma October 14 2020, 23:37:35 UTC
He has a "seems charming in the moment, is incredibly sleazy in retrospect" vibe.


misato October 15 2020, 22:50:52 UTC
how i feel after every interaction with a man where i thought it went kinda well


sluttyroyals October 14 2020, 23:42:13 UTC
Lmaooo poor Lily Collins getting dragged into this 😂😂😂


ohwutevernvm October 14 2020, 23:28:27 UTC
Pathetic lol


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