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josiefier September 10 2020, 21:10:13 UTC

Probably not Teen People because that debuted in the late 90s. So, Teen, Seventeen, YM, or Twist?


umilicious September 10 2020, 21:21:43 UTC
I was thinking of Sassy, but I also didn’t read a lot of teen mags at that point. Most of the girls I knew had the ones full of boy posters, and I had no interest in that market


josiefier September 10 2020, 21:24:06 UTC

I never read Sassy so I forgot about them. I also doubt it'd be Cosmo Girl because they came out after Teen People. Sister, Sister was already over by then.


anterrabre September 10 2020, 21:43:10 UTC
I don't think it was Sassy because they were pretty progressive at the time.


umilicious September 11 2020, 00:01:11 UTC
That’s actually why I thought of them first. I could hear white and non-Black progressives in that industry saying something like that... but I’m also assuming that Sassy’s leadership was predominantly white, and I could be wrong.


jeterluva September 10 2020, 22:14:05 UTC
I loved Sassy it was my favorite magazine. I don't think it was them.


genbu_no_miko24 September 10 2020, 21:25:43 UTC
Yeah my first thought was teen people but started in 1998 so I don't think it could've been that one.

I was gonna say J-14 but they too started in 98. Same with Twist in 87

So it could've YM or Seventeen as those magazines have been here since the 30s and 40s.


muffintiem September 10 2020, 21:40:40 UTC
my guess would be Seventeen or Teen, YM was the cool, edgy counterpart and even though they weren't on the cover, there were these Black twin models, Lortensia & Dortensia I think (?) that were in spreads frequently; I only remember them because they were so fucking gorgeous

I worked with Teen's digital team eons ago but the content passing through there was YT AF and very apple pie/All-American girl kind of bullshit, tbh the only woc I remember seeing was Fefe Dobson when she was being pushed hardcore for a few months in like 2000


addictedgal September 10 2020, 23:57:22 UTC
Oh wow, Teen and GL (Girl's Life) were my favourite magazines as a young teen and then it was Seventeen, Teen Vogue, and Nylon.

Well I guess I shouldn't be sad that Teen magazine died out anymore! I remember being disappointed. My biggest memory of Teen is being super embarassed to ask my dad to buy me the Emma Watson cover/Harry Potter issue in the grocery line because one of the cover stories said "Are your boobs normal?" lmfaooo (this one!)


umilicious September 11 2020, 00:02:49 UTC
Teen was the other magazine that came to mind. I wish I was surprised about your experience :(


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