How Coronavirus shutdowns have effected currently airing TV shows currently

Mar 20, 2020 00:40

Fox’s #Empire and the CW’s #Supernatural are 1.5-2 episodes short on their final seasons
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) March 17, 2020
= Pretty much every TV show currently shooting has stopped production due to Coronavirus concerns ( Read more... )

television - cw, television - nbc, television - abc, empire (fox), television - fox, pilot / in development, superstore (nbc), american idol (abc), television - cbs, supernatural (cw)

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marthasback March 19 2020, 20:17:55 UTC
I wonder what they will do with Survivor and Drag Race, both of which are dependant on live finales... if they were smart they would have rush taped them last week without audiences but that obviously didn't happen...


djbbgoose March 19 2020, 20:22:31 UTC
RPDR UK Production was shut down, I think they anticipated filming that before the finale of this current season
if by May restrictions have been lifted and we have better control over the spread, they'll likely do an in-studio thing

but who knows everything is to a halt


syphilisdiller March 19 2020, 20:23:13 UTC
if survivor just has jeff reading the votes and then has live webcam interviews, it wont lose too much

but rpdr is much more of a spectacle- i don't know how that would translate


marthasback March 19 2020, 20:25:01 UTC
LOL after all the promo / hype that CBS has put into promoting Season 40... watching someone win $2 Million over webcam would be so anticlimactic


marthasback March 19 2020, 20:27:10 UTC
I would be THRILLED to have a finale that's not half "Jeff interviews children from the CBS staff" though LOL


syphilisdiller March 19 2020, 20:31:07 UTC
honestly, same- i'm thinking this will be the best finale because it wont have all that extra bullshit lol

i'd feel a little bit bad for the winner not having their big moment on stage, but they've all gotten it before


messfortwo March 19 2020, 20:35:36 UTC
With the Sherry Pie drama I think Drag Race would be better without the live finale, and is not even live come on, it would be easier to pre record interviews with all the queens and just have the finale like the earlier seasons.


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