How Coronavirus shutdowns have effected currently airing TV shows currently

Mar 20, 2020 00:40

Fox’s #Empire and the CW’s #Supernatural are 1.5-2 episodes short on their final seasons
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) March 17, 2020

= Pretty much every TV show currently shooting has stopped production due to Coronavirus concerns.
= Several of those shows were on or two episodes short of their episode order when production halted. They include CBS’ NCIS franchise, Bull, FBI, SEAL Team, S.W.A.T., Young Sheldon, Bob Hearts Abishola and The Neighborhood, NBC’s Chicago franchise, Law & Order: SVU and New Amsterdam, the CW’s The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman, Riverdale, Dynasty and Nancy Drew, ABC’s The Goldbergs, Schooled and American Housewife and Fox’s Last Man Standing.
= Networks have decided, that production will not resume on many of these shows if/when things settle down in the coming weeks, leaving many shows without a season finale. For TV shows, season finales offer resolution to season long arcs while also ending on cliffhangers to keep audiences waiting for the next seasons. Scripts for the finales had already been written, and the plan is for them to be included in the next seasons.
= Superstore star America Ferrera was set to depart her show this summer after 5 seasons, she did not get to finish shooting her final episode which would write off her character Amy Sosa. She has offered to return for on more episode next season to give resolution to her character
= Empire and Supernatural, which are in their final seasons, did not get shoot their series finales, and were 1.5-2 episodes from ending their seasons. It's unlikely the will get to finish productions by the end of this TV season (which ends in mid to late May). Networks might decide to air their series finales as an "event movie", several months later like CBS did for their longstanding CSI show several years earlier.
= Other shows also ending this season like How to Get Away With Murder, Modern Family and Hawaii Five-0 had already shot their series finale before things became dire. CW's The 100 wrapped its series finale this past weekend.

Coronavirus: ‘American Idol’ Suspends Rehearsals & Sends Contestants Home As Live Show Decision Looms
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) March 18, 2020

= Less than two weeks before ABC’s American Idol is slated to start its live performance shows, prep work on them, including rehearsals with the finalists, has been suspended.
= The first live performance show is set to air March 30th, having an audience already had been ruled out, but, in light of the quickly evolving situation around COVID-19, there will likely need to be additional modifications made for those shows to proceed amid a pandemic.
= If producer can't come up with a solution quickly, the entire season might be scrapped.

What Will Become of the Broadcast TV Pilots Delayed by #Coronavirus Pandemic?
- TheWrap (@TheWrap) March 17, 2020

= Every March and April, the 5 broadcast TV networks shoot around 50-60 pilots total. In May, from these pilots, the networks choose their new shows for the next TV season.
= Because of production being shutdown, none of the pilots got to finish shooting, some didn't even start.
= Right now networks are committed to shoot all their pilots, albeit several months later than originally. They do not want to give straight to series orders from just the scripts without seeing any footage. This would may that networks would not be able to announce their new shows during their annual upfront event in mid May.
= Shows that did get a straight to series order are Walker reboot and Superman & Lois for The CW, Clarice (Silence of the Lambs series) and The Lincoln Lawyer for CBS, Young Rock (Dwayne Johnson autobiographical comedy) and Ted Danson's mayor comedy by Tina Fey on NBC, Call Me Kat (UK's Miranda remake) starring Mayim Bialik on FOX, and David E Kelley's The Big Sky on ABC.

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sorry for the text heavy post, I know ONTD doesn't read.

television - cw, television - nbc, television - abc, empire (fox), television - fox, pilot / in development, superstore (nbc), american idol (abc), television - cbs, supernatural (cw)
