Ellen DeGeneris explains her football game weekend with George W Bush

Oct 08, 2019 14:05

Former US president George W. Bush and Ellen DeGeneris sat next to each other at a Dallas Cowboys football game over the weekend. Due to controvery she addressed the story on her show.

The video was titled: This Photo of Ellen & George W. Bush Will Give You Faith in America Again on her show's official youtube channel.

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"A lot of people were mad ( Read more... )

lgbtq / rights, ellen degeneres, politics

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triviagogo29 October 8 2019, 12:37:45 UTC
99% of rich people, including most celebrities, don't gaf about any of that shit. they pretend they do, they tweet about it, they donate money to charity but it's all a branding opportunity for them and a way for them to feel better about themselves.

i always think of that hamptons party where soros, a koch brother, chuck schumer, one WaPo senior editor and steven spielberg were all merrily hanging out. at the end of the day, they're all friends with common class interests.

(see also how so many of them were friends with donald trump. i mean, trump's wedding was at the cover of vogue (run by bleeding heart liberal anna wintour); he was close friends with the clintons and most celebrities kissed his ass)


imabadkid October 8 2019, 23:14:39 UTC
true but it's not just celebs. even my friends, who are mostly upper middle class who swear to be liberals and preach the importance of equality say some rly side-eye-worthy shit tbh. When people get to a certain point financially they live in a bubble so it's not surprising


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