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valentineballad August 25 2019, 16:04:34 UTC
my husband had never seen a single episode of seinfeld so we're rewatching that now. i definitely can't enjoy kramer's antics as much as i originally did knowing now what a piece of shit michael richards is. JLD remains a queen. also it's amazing how unfunny jerry is (both in his standup and as a character).

we're also watching bojack horseman, currently in the middle of season 4. this show is incredible and so slept on critically since it's animated. it's legit one of the best written shows i've ever watched.


__nocturna August 25 2019, 16:06:38 UTC
i love Bojack and S4 was their best, imo. his mom's storyline was masterfully told, and Ep 11 especially was amazing.


zazie_toujours August 25 2019, 16:08:26 UTC
i never found kramer funny to begin with tbh
george and elaine were where it was at. jerry was more of a straight man which is weird considering he was the comedian character.


valentineballad August 25 2019, 16:13:08 UTC
yeah jerry's definitely a necessary foil for all of the crazy around him. i just forgot how much jerry standup they fold in during the early eps, and it's SO BAD lol


xtinkerbellax August 25 2019, 16:40:12 UTC
Yea, Kramer was never my sense of humor.


video_drome August 25 2019, 17:10:15 UTC
Yep, George and Elaine are by far the best! They're so consistently hilarious


avingnon August 25 2019, 16:49:13 UTC
jerry’s such a bad actor. but i love the show


video_drome August 25 2019, 17:08:30 UTC
Sometimes Jerry will crack me the fuck up with a good line, but yeah, he's definitely the worst actor of the four and the stand-up parts are almost always awful


notoriousreign August 25 2019, 20:09:41 UTC
Jerry I guess is a good way to introduce the other characters. But yeah his standup watching it now is so painful lmao. Elaine remains the best character though TO THIS DAY.


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