Veronica Mars News Round Up (Major Spoilers)

Jul 22, 2019 20:04

one thing I try to get at in this #veronicamars ending piece is the irony of trying to push Veronica past her high school self with a move that also keeps her from growing up
- Kathryn VanArendonk (@kvanaren) July 22, 2019

Major season four spoilers )

spoilers, television - hulu, veronica mars, interview

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maltwhitman July 23 2019, 00:43:00 UTC
i'm okay with what they decided to do bc i don't care about logan/veronica and logan was kinda boring this season but if rob thomas didn't want them to be together, the more interesting choice would've been for them to just break and then have to deal with the fallout from that. i always liked in mad men how everyone wanted joan's husband to die in the vietnam war and she literally said "greg dying is not a solution" (lol), and then she ended up leaving him. that was amazing.

didn't know RT wanted to move the show out of neptune. dumb move. neptune is like... its own character (kill me lmao, but seriously).


stf_ugh July 23 2019, 00:47:13 UTC
"the more interesting choice would've been for them to just break and then have to deal with the fallout from that." HARD AGREE. I wasn't too sad and i won't miss them but this would have been better for the show in general. He made the most hardcore choice possible and its like why'd you have to do that lol?? Unnecessary.


shangri__la July 23 2019, 00:56:09 UTC
From my understanding, he and Kristen basically want to do Sharp Objects, with Veronica as an addict traveling town to town, doing drugs, fucking randoms and solving mysteries.


erika92 July 23 2019, 01:01:10 UTC
addict? nonono ononono


maltwhitman July 23 2019, 01:22:27 UTC
ugh just make a different show then


shittysoup July 23 2019, 02:23:45 UTC


fuck_of_nature July 23 2019, 01:39:41 UTC
I've heard that in some of the other posts and it makes no sense. Just make a new show like someone said above. Why take so many of the awesome things about the show and tear it away? How will she be Veronica without her dad and Wallace and Logan, and all the peeps popping back in. This is so disappointing and I'm so mad it ever came back.

God, this was my favorite show. ONLY show I have ever watched from start to finish while it was airing. I scheduled my freaking 16 year old life around his show.

Sorry, I'm so overreacting on this reply to you, but I'm just so hurt by all this.


shangri__la July 23 2019, 01:44:11 UTC
Nah, join the club. A lot of people are hurt and angry, and for more than just Logan. They've stripped the show and Veronica of what made it and her great.


carminaburana July 23 2019, 03:32:19 UTC
Oh god - shoot me now hahaha


march_runaway July 23 2019, 15:59:59 UTC
that’s ..... insane


_scarlett_icons July 23 2019, 00:59:37 UTC
If Rob did that, LoVe fans would constantly hound him to bring Logan back and make them be endgame.


frelling_tralk July 23 2019, 01:02:13 UTC
I agree, I don’t care all that much about Veronica/Logan tbh, but this still seems like a pretty crazy miscalculation when you have shippers talking boycotts and petitioning for no season 5. I’m more annoyed that it’s probably going to kill any future seasons of the show, rather than personally devastated. It’s just bizarre though, I mean season 4 was full of nostalgic touches and Rob Thomas seemed to get what fans wanted there, but he didn’t understand how betrayed the Logan fangirls would feel at him being killed off?!

Having a season 5 outside of Neptune is also something I’m not sure about, part of the appeal of the show was always Veronica’s interpersonal relationships, and it sounds like Rob Thomas wants to create an entirely different show? I’ll still watch for Veronica always, but I don’t know if anyone else will be 🤷‍♀️


kittenmittons July 23 2019, 01:07:58 UTC
This is a perfect comment - the relationships are the biggest draw of the show to me so I'm not sure how to feel about future seasons being entirely separate from Neptune. I'll still watch, but yeah, I agree with every aspect of this comment.


fuck_of_nature July 23 2019, 01:44:50 UTC
I get people not wanting to cater to 'fangirls', but people's love of these characters and the relationships really funded this series, especially in regards to the movie. It's pretty brutal to have a show that had such a dedicated fanbase for such a short series, and then got a movie funded a decade later by these same fans, and then to completely destroy the whole show and characters. I know that sounds pretty entitled, but I honestly feel it's justified here.

And I'm usually someone who is like 'if you don't like it, don't watch it', and I won't but it feels like a big 'fuck you' to fans who poured millions of dollars, and so much heart and soul, into bringing Veronica Mars back. And this show is going in a hugely wrong direction.


moon_river_315 July 23 2019, 02:05:56 UTC
I completely agree. He didnt just destroy LoVe, he is destroying the entire show. Its a very gray area bc fans of the show as a whole funded millions of dollars to it, and now it no longer exists. we literally funded the deconstruction of a show we loved. He got the hulu deal bc of fanfare from the kickstarter.


misao7 July 23 2019, 01:26:06 UTC
There was so much to mine. Logan and Veronica on a breakup could've been an entire season. Logan slowly getting too involved in Mars Investigations cases and filling a bit of the gap Keith will inevitably leave (i.e. saving Veronica in these life-threatening situations she's always in). Logan's entire Navy Intelligence life could've intersected in such interesting ways. And yet. I really, really, really hate to see it


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