Veronica Mars News Round Up (Major Spoilers)

Jul 22, 2019 20:04

one thing I try to get at in this #veronicamars ending piece is the irony of trying to push Veronica past her high school self with a move that also keeps her from growing up
- Kathryn VanArendonk (@kvanaren) July 22, 2019

Major season four spoilers )

spoilers, television - hulu, veronica mars, interview

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maltwhitman July 23 2019, 00:43:00 UTC
i'm okay with what they decided to do bc i don't care about logan/veronica and logan was kinda boring this season but if rob thomas didn't want them to be together, the more interesting choice would've been for them to just break and then have to deal with the fallout from that. i always liked in mad men how everyone wanted joan's husband to die in the vietnam war and she literally said "greg dying is not a solution" (lol), and then she ended up leaving him. that was amazing.

didn't know RT wanted to move the show out of neptune. dumb move. neptune is like... its own character (kill me lmao, but seriously).


shangri__la July 23 2019, 01:30:23 UTC
Would you look at that, you just wrote a better plot than Rob Thomas did.


shittysoup July 23 2019, 02:26:08 UTC
Right!?!?! The show opens with a straight up mystery with Veronica not even knowing where Logan just got back from. The tension alone between what he does and what she does is fascinating. The two of them building their life together while still clearly being very independent and secretive people is a really interesting dynamic imo.


carminaburana July 23 2019, 03:34:24 UTC
I’m still surprised they didn’t bring his navy intelligence stuff into this season more. So many missed opportunities


xdaisyxlovesxbb July 23 2019, 01:42:00 UTC
it makes me wonder if hulu picks it up for another season (lbr they probably would), would rob got back on his words and undo what he did in order to get ppl to watch? i know in the interviews, he said no but he hadnt hear the backlash yet.

the show is ruin and i dont think him or kristen understand that bc they are too busy being happy that logan is gone and veronica is this free PI with no more teenage drama happening. either way i HATE the idea that they push that this is what fans might not has wanted but need.


moon_river_315 July 23 2019, 01:46:17 UTC
I wouldnt even watch if Logan came back and he redirected bc he literally is telling us he doesnt know or care to write anything but bleak ass noir where the heroine just stagnates in her trauma, no thank you, the world sucks enough


patoplastico July 23 2019, 14:13:58 UTC
this. and they would just find another way to make V suffer and regress.


maltwhitman July 23 2019, 02:18:20 UTC
i don't see that happening at all even with the backlash. it would be insane to un-kill a character lmao.

i'm okay with the show not wanting to revolve around veronica/logan but killing him off was such a lazy/nonsense way to do it. your teenage drama absolutely does not end when your high school sweetheart you've been on again/off again with for like 20 yrs suddenly dies


march_runaway July 23 2019, 16:01:24 UTC
robs such a lose cannon it’s hard to tell. but he really left it wide open at the end making it clear it could go either way.


bttrsondaughter July 23 2019, 02:09:01 UTC
They didn’t even feel like they were in love this season. Veronica pining for the ~badboy~ with anger issues version of Logan felt so wrong and against everything we know about her character.

The writers (and fans) placed soooo much importance on the idea of their love being “epic” and I hate it? Seeing their love fizzle because they’re just not compatible (and never really were), seeing them realize that they were two broken people looking for the wrong thing in each other is infinitely more interesting than making story choices based on a drunken teenagers rambling about fate and the inevitable tragedy of their love.


march_runaway July 23 2019, 16:02:31 UTC
honestly it was like she was annoyed by his presence the whole time. those awkward kitchen scenes were too much


waxandstrings July 23 2019, 03:15:43 UTC
i haven't watched it yet, but hearing about the kinds of characters logan and veronica were in it and the relationship issues they introduced at the beginning of the season, only to drop, it sounds like they set up the perfect opportunity to break them up by the end by having them realize they aren't compatible, but alas


snortingcoke July 23 2019, 10:46:19 UTC
i actually think it's more difficult and challenging to create interesting drama from a couple breaking up due to differences. it's such an easy out to have one die in storytelling because it's literally just removing an option. whereas having them break up is more heartbreaking because they *could* be with said person if not for x y z. which to me can be more interesting than THEY DIED.


patoplastico July 23 2019, 14:07:14 UTC
IA on Neptune. RT is a fool.


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