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space_poodle April 11 2018, 19:43:19 UTC
I had a sad realization recently about the dude I was seeing for a minute. He def saw himself as an "alpha male" but would share progressive, liberal, pro-equality/ feminist views and was honest about how he wasn't raised woke but had to work hard at becoming that way to align his beliefs with his actions. He dated career women he respected, and when we started dating, he treated me with respect, agreed that men are garbage, and I liked that a prerequisite he had for a girlfriend was she had to be a feminist and a strong woman.

This dude also was incredibly stereotypically dominant sexually-- he would respect "stop" or "slow down" but he absolutely got off on being in charge with the woman being submissive. The more I could bite the pillow and take it as hard as he wanted to give it the more I felt like I was being the type of sex partner he wanted. Was it painful? Um, yes. His dick is like a third leg and I am tiny. Do I think he got off on knowing he was controlling a strong, feminist woman sexually? Yes. Maybe I'm jaded, but I think it's honestly more often less that dudes want a woman who is strong (because this dude was a baby when it came to arguments) and more so they want to know that they're fucking a woman who thinks women are superior (or at the very least, equal) and getting rough with her, treating her like a cum receptacle and putting her in her place.

It's one of those things that makes me feel degraded in hindsight. A man that cannot make love but only fuck? That's not a man you want to be engaging with sexually at all. I learned my lesson.


msgrottesca April 11 2018, 23:07:54 UTC
You're on the money tbh. It's actually so common there are two porn categories dedicated to putting feminist/educated women "in their place". One is called "bimboification" porn which is mostly in the form of drawings and the other is I think called "feminization" porn or something (don't quote me on that, because I genuinely don't remember) which appears both in life action and written formats. The latter, from what I've seen, is more violent and disturbing because rather than revolving around transforming a feminist/educated woman into a bimbo, it's more about PUNISHING them for being a feminist/educated. "Feminist Forcing" is also a sub-genre and I'm sure you can imagine what that one is about...


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