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msgrottesca April 11 2018, 16:47:28 UTC
most importantly being pressured or having to say, scrub floors, to survive is different from having to do sex work to survive because sex that is not freely chosen is rape and heinous, coerced idk, photocopying is not.

omg this is one of my biggest pet peeves when I get into discourse with extremely pro-sex work feminists, when they pull the "well how is that any different from working at McDonald's?" line and think they've like, blown my fucking mind lmaooo. for one, I have a fairly Marxist view on the entire concept of work as we know it so that appeal doesn't work on me. for two, no, they're not the same, at all, in any way.

it is not to disparage women in sex work to admit that the nature of their work is very different from otherwise ordinary jobs, it's just stating a fact! it's not an insult to sex workers at all to admit it's very much it's own thing. it is no coincidence that the overwhelming majority of ex-sex workers have symptoms of or become diagnosed with PTSD. while my time working in the service industry did wreak havok on my feet and my patience, it did not cause my PTSD - unwanted sex did that. period.


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