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Comments 48

mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:18:37 UTC
lagertha going from killing rapists to being a rapist herself is as sad as lagertha going from championing women/seeing aslaug as an ally to killing her because #homewreckingwitch or whatever. the more focus hirst gives her, the more she's ruined and it's a fucking shame.

team harald and astrid


laurent November 30 2017, 15:21:54 UTC
how did harald and astrid team up btw? did that happen last night?


mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:29:45 UTC
yep. after rapertha arrested harald for sending eggo to take kattegat, she sat in conference with torta, astrid, and margrethe and they discussed what to do about him. astrid wasn't liking what rapertha was selling so she stormed out of the hall. harald's men snatched her from the street and dragged her to a boat where an escaped harald was waiting. they sailed away and on the ride he basically convinced her to side with him against lagertha and be his queen of norway. i don't even care that he's an MRA anymore 😪


laurent November 30 2017, 15:31:48 UTC
tbh that makes me actually want to watch the ep, if i weren't so salty about hirst being a fake feminist i might care to. if more people watched this trash show he would not be getting away with this shit.


watersofain November 30 2017, 15:23:28 UTC
fuck michael hirst.


zeysech November 30 2017, 15:24:45 UTC
So that was shit, that was absolute shit. Of course Hirst would frame Lagertha raping Harald as this empowering moment of strength, of course. What made him think that this was a thing that needed to happen, genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with him?

Margethe got some dialogue unrelated to the Ragnarssons and it was good! Also I'm nhf fans acting like she was annoying and stirring shit, she did not say a single thing that was not true.

Torvi and Guthrum are kind of cute but it's also fucking weird.

I'm really not happy with Queen Astrid starting by Astrid being kidnapped but I hope this manages to be good.

The Ragnarssons were the only good bit. Ivar is great because we know he's trash.

Hirst has romanticized everything about Alfred to the most hilarious degree. His illness being him walking around like a zombie and almost drowning in a puddle along with visions of his father...


snuffyqui45 November 30 2017, 15:29:36 UTC
The Alfred scene was ridic especially the "acting" from Judith. I was actually laughing from the terribleness.


mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:33:02 UTC
marg was inoffensive at worst. what the fuck is wrong with people?

and i'm so glad i mostly tuned out the alfred shit lmao


zeysech November 30 2017, 15:46:25 UTC
lmao Alfred is gonna be the source of much comedy, I can tell.


snuffyqui45 November 30 2017, 15:28:09 UTC
I seriously watched Lagertha rape Finehair with my own two eyes?????

Hirst is the fucking devil. He is the devil and I srsly hope Kathryn doesn't try to defend this mess in the name of a paycheck.

I am disgusted.gif


fromyourashes November 30 2017, 15:50:17 UTC
nooo @ these comments omg. came here hoping to see "AMAZING EPISODE" before watching but


fucking hirst :(


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