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mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:18:37 UTC
lagertha going from killing rapists to being a rapist herself is as sad as lagertha going from championing women/seeing aslaug as an ally to killing her because #homewreckingwitch or whatever. the more focus hirst gives her, the more she's ruined and it's a fucking shame.

team harald and astrid


laurent November 30 2017, 15:21:54 UTC
how did harald and astrid team up btw? did that happen last night?


mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:29:45 UTC
yep. after rapertha arrested harald for sending eggo to take kattegat, she sat in conference with torta, astrid, and margrethe and they discussed what to do about him. astrid wasn't liking what rapertha was selling so she stormed out of the hall. harald's men snatched her from the street and dragged her to a boat where an escaped harald was waiting. they sailed away and on the ride he basically convinced her to side with him against lagertha and be his queen of norway. i don't even care that he's an MRA anymore 😪


laurent November 30 2017, 15:31:48 UTC
tbh that makes me actually want to watch the ep, if i weren't so salty about hirst being a fake feminist i might care to. if more people watched this trash show he would not be getting away with this shit.


mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:36:35 UTC
if more women and leftists watched this show, he wouldn't be getting away with it. but because vikings attracts history's target audience of crackers, trump supporters, new england patriots fans, and norse worshipping white nationalists who live to minimize sexual assault, he's in the clear.


mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:37:43 UTC
oops, change NE pats to whatever NFL team queen lbrookief stans lmao


laurent November 30 2017, 15:40:37 UTC
i actually saw her tweet when i was twitter searching lags she was like 1 of 100 who thought that scene was creepy


mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:42:00 UTC
i'm really surprised at this but also really proud of her. go, brooke 👏🏽


laurent November 30 2017, 15:40:09 UTC
lmaooo that accuracy


snuffyqui45 November 30 2017, 15:45:39 UTC
Lmao it's funny bc it's true


zeysech November 30 2017, 15:44:53 UTC
In a strange way, it is impressive how Hirst fails to meet expectations that keep getting lower after every season.


ivy_b November 30 2017, 15:48:20 UTC
I didn't see the episode yet, but WTF, Hirst now has Lagertha raping someone? What is wrong with this guy?

You really die a hero or live long enough to become a villain in Hirst shows, poor Lagertha.


mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:57:00 UTC
what's worse is that she's still framed as a hero. after shooting a surrendering woman in the back and raping her chained prisoner, she's damn near worse than jarl borg ever was. who's going to blood eagled her tho?


ivy_b November 30 2017, 16:06:44 UTC
What the actual fuck is wrong with Hirst? How the fuck is this heroic or good? And yeah, first shooting a surrendering queen in the back, now raping a prisoner, I'm just... Somebody take Hirst's keyboard away from him and get his head checked. How does Katheryn feel about all this? Do I even want to know?


fromyourashes November 30 2017, 15:48:46 UTC
why tf did i come in here???? what's happening, why is she a rapist, fuck


mammary_glands November 30 2017, 15:54:36 UTC
in the words of paint-by-numbers feminist and all around piece of shit torvi: "sometimes women have to do what women have to do just to have a bit of power."



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