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Comments 23

somnus_angel July 24 2016, 00:23:22 UTC
I was at the panel and the trailer really had a different tone from the rest of the series, but it looks really good though so I'm hyped.


valentineballad July 24 2016, 00:23:37 UTC
lol wtf? i'm thinking that if this does happen it's only going to be an episode or two, max.

at least i hope so. the show's at its best when they stick to the secret agent format imo. archer vice was a mess.


dior_chic July 24 2016, 00:29:13 UTC
I just want some of the writing from seasons 1-4 back. 5-7 have been ok, but haven't been able to me laugh like the earlier seasons did. Also some jokes have been beaten to death imo

Archer and Bobs Burgers were my top two shows, and now Archer has slid down the ranks with Steven Universe being one of my favorite shows along with BB.


spankmypirate July 24 2016, 10:12:21 UTC
Totally agree. It's like they hired an entirely new set of writers after the first episode of season 5 because the show hasn't been as funny as it used to be for ages. Either that or they need to go back to the secret agent setting.


pastelstar July 24 2016, 00:32:24 UTC
I like it when they're spies :( Season 7 was so uneventful, the only highlight was the sound Ray made when Archer was all ~chickens give live birth~


dior_chic July 24 2016, 00:33:06 UTC
Yea season 7 had a lot of potential that was pretty wasted


xpirate_queenx July 24 2016, 00:39:25 UTC
Season 7's biggest flaw is that it ended too soon. I think if they'd had at most 3 extra episodes, it could have been one of the best ever.


syphilisdiller July 24 2016, 00:35:08 UTC
This season was way too short


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