Archer Season 8 Details Revealed at SDCC

Jul 23, 2016 18:12

[Absolutely MASSIVE spoilers for Season 7]
-Archer miraculously did not die at the end of the last season (though it's been confirmed it was actually him in the pool and not one of Krieger's robot doubles) and begins this season in a coma
-The characters are all shown (except Archer, obvs) attending what appears to be Woodhouse's funeral :(
-Season 8 looks like it will take place partially (if not entirely) in his head
-1920's setting
-Archer is a private investigator looking for his missing partner, Woodhouse
-Lana is a jazz singer
-Ray is a trumpeter
-Krieger is a bartender
-Cyril and Pam are also detectives
-Pam is a man (!!?!)
-Cheryl is pretty much the same
-Len Trexler is back as a mob boss
-Barry is his enforcer, but "probably not a cyborg anymore"

Honestly, I'd still advise taking half of this with a grain of salt. The Season 5 trailer was full of stuff that were merely red herrings because Adam Reed is a troll. Anyone remember the tiger?
Source 1

archer (fx), animation
