Notice Me [9/?]

Sep 18, 2010 21:03

Title: Notice me
Author: ohnomomo
Pairings: Kyumin, Kihae, Yewook
Chapters: 9/?
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Romance, angst, fluff
Summary: Sungmin tries to make Kyuhyun open his eyes and finally notice him.
A/N: sorry for not updating this fic each week D: and sorry for its shortness >.< kill me now D: anyways, I appreciate every comment! <333

The first thing I did after all the tragedy was to distance myself from Heechul despite him being all caring towards me for moments. I just had enough of Heechul’s attitude and bossing me all around, so it was time for me to rebel. Second, I tried to pay attention in all classes. Before I used to be good in calculus, now I’m trying so hard to understand.

“Prom will come soon! I can’t believe how fast time passes so fast!” Donghae said all cheerful.

Next to Donghae was Eunhyuk, trying to get Donghae’s attention. Then, I saw Eunhyuk being all cuddly while Donghae was talking to me. There’s something fishy between them.

Talking about Prom, I decided not to go since I wasn’t in mood of partying.

“Kyuhyun,” I turned to see Kyuhyun directly to his eyes, “take Ryeowook to prom.”

“But I’m going with you,” said Kyuhyun, all serious.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to go.”

“Why not? Go with me.”

“I’m sorry, I won’t. You just lucky that I told you this right now or you wouldn’t have someone to go with.”


The bell rang, and I just ran off to my locker.

“So I heard you’re not going to Prom,” Donghae said behind me. I turned around and saw Donghae all disappointed.

“Yeah, I’m not going,” I said, taking my History book, “he can go with Ryeowook.”

“Sungmin, come on, it will be fun!” he practically shouted at me. He grabbed my arm and started shaking me, begging me to go. At the end, he gave up.

The next day, Kyuhyun and I heard that Ryeowook was finally over with Yesung. So obviously, Kyuhyun took the chance to go talk to Ryeowook and all. I’m sure Ryeowook would be delighted to be Kyuhyun’s boyfriend.

After that, Kyuhyun stopped talking to me for a few days. With prom coming in 4 days, I knew that I wouldn’t go to prom. Donghae couldn’t stop talking about prom, prom, prom, and Eunhyuk. Since when Eunhyuk was part of our conversations? I thought that Donghae would be talking about Kibum and his adorable smile and all other things, but no, he talked about Eunhyuk.

With 3 days left for the prom, Siwon told me that he would be my date, but I knew that he was telling me a lie. Then he told me that he was trying to cheer me up. I appreciated that kind of act and smiled.

To: Sungmin
From: Kyuhyun
I need to tell you something

To: Kyuhyun
From: Sungmin

To: Sungmin
From: Kyuhyun
I went to Ryeowook’s 15th birthday party, and his mom
thought that I was his boyfriend.

To: Kyuhyun
From: Sungmin
Really? Good for you then :D

To: Sungmin
From: Kyuhyun
I told him how I felt, and told me the same thing…
But nothing happened.

To: Kyuhyun
From: Sungmin
Oh damn, well, I’m sure it will happen soon.

D-2 for prom, and now I see a really down Kyuhyun, did something happen between him and Ryeowook? Whatever it is, I would ask him after school, I don’t want to make myself look desperate to him.

Everyone was in hurry since we, the juniors, are in charge of making the prom. Apparently, our coordinators had all the decoration and other things, but hadn’t paid everything yet. I was the only one not doing anything for the prom. I felt somehow useless.
At night, Kyuhyun sent me a message.

To: Sungmin
From: Kyuhyun
Life sucks, really.

To: Kyuhyun
From: Sungmin
Why? What happened? You have to tell me right now!

To: Sungmin
From: Kyuhyun
I saw Ryeowook with Yesung again. They were kissing.
So I went to Ryeowook after they finished their business
And he told me that he was confused, but then, I told him
That I wasn’t… so good bye.

To: Kyuhyun
From: Sungmin
Oh, sorry :S
Now what will you do?

To: Sungmin
From: Kyuhyun
Nothing, it’s a farewell to him now.

To: Kyuhyun
From: Sungmin
Ok, well I hope you feel better kyu.

Somehow, I was happy that my worst nightmare would come true, but then, I felt bad for him. I guess Ryeowook wasn’t for him at all.

To be continued…

A/N: phewwwww 9th chapter and going on~~ hehe. remember, I love your comments ;)

title: notice me, pairing: kyumin, author: ohnomomo

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