Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior.
Pairings: HanChul with minor KangTeuk, KyuMin, YeWook, etc.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kim Heechul’s epic undercover mission to China. In which Kim Heechul flies coach, gets lost in translation, wins a beauty pageant, and stumbles unceremoniously into the love of his life with no less than a hundred costume changes.
Will be in Our Maj, Heechul’s, point of view. For the most part.
Back in Korea
They had just found a completely petrified Donghae hiding beside a dumpster before narrowly escaping with their lives, clothes and in Donghae’s case, ligaments, intact from a mob of rabid fangirls on their way out the airport.
Later on, Siwon would tell them that it was all thanks to the grace of God, whom he had been praying to vigorously the entire chase, but everyone else had to agree that it was only due to Kangin’s staggering turn into a one-way street that they were saved.
All nine members rendered into comas notwithstanding.
Right now, it was eerily silent inside the Super Junior Getaway Vehicle also known as the junk on wheels loaned by Yesung’s cousin’s friend who may or may not have a chicken as a girlfriend. It was a fascinating story, really, but back to business.
Leeteuk was observing the throbbing vein on Kangin’s left temple and then at the other members who were still in various stages of shock and decided it was his perennial duty to lighten the mood.
“Personally, I think we should count our blessings.” He announced.
No response.
Leeteuk pressed on. “I mean, at least we all made it in one piece.”
Everyone stared at him blankly. Kangin’s vein was getting worryingly large.
“Speak for yourself,” Eunhyuk told him. “Donghae hasn’t stopped twitching since we found him!”
Leeteuk looked at Donghae, noticed the twitching, and shrugged. “He’ll get over it. Everyone else is fine, right?” He asked.
In response, Ryeowook exploded into a blubbering incoherent mess, none of which anybody understood except for. “A-And w-we ran o-over a-a D-D-DOG!”
Everyone stared at the blubbering boy, then at Leeteuk at which point they started accusing and blaming him for everything evil in the world from Global Warming to the break-up of H.O.T.
Yesung glared at Leeteuk over Ryeowook’s shaking head as if to say, “YOU BASTARD DOG KILLER, YOU DID THIS.”
Leeteuk raised his arms over his head to ward off the incoming lynch mob when Kangin exploded from the driver’s seat, throbbing vein included in said explosion. “EVERYONE SHUT UP.”
In a half instant, everyone clammed up.
“At least Heenim got on the plane.” Siwon said suddenly.
“Thanks to Sungmin’s friend.” Kyuhyun muttered darkly.
Sungmin rightly smacked him in the head.
Leeteuk grinned at Siwon, pointedly ignoring the second outburst of unexplained violence between the formerly sweet Sungmin and his beloved maknae, and decided that the boy was right. At least they’d manage to accomplish the first part of the plan.
Really, it was all up to Heechul now. Leeteuk vaguely wondered why he was feeling fearful instead of comforted.
“Are you sure it was the right plane?” Shindong asked. “Remember the last time.” At Shindong’s words, everyone looked at Eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk turned red and coughed into his hand. “I still maintain that I really wanted to go to Guam.”
Later in the dorms, Leeteuk was smiling as he turned on his laptop. He would still be smiling as he opened his e-mail. In fact, the smile would get even bigger as he found that he had an e-mail from Heechul. The smile, however, disappeared once he read Heechul’s message which consisted of a long and excruciatingly detailed description of how Heechul was going to torture Leeteuk for putting him in coach. Leeteuk rapidly snapped the laptop shut and hurried out the room.
“Hey, Shindong, you know how you were asking me earlier if Heechul was in the right plane?” Leeteuk asked Shindong who was lounging on the couch.
“What about it?” Shindong asked.
“Well, he is.” Leeteuk replied simply before scurrying away.
*Cookies for everyone*
So this is just a kind of filler chapter and it would've been posted days ago except I suck was busy. I know I should be focusing on the main story but I really, really wanted to write this. ^^
Feel free to brick me.
btw, most of my gifs are from heecat.com. ^^