He started out so shy and cool on heyx3, but after a few appearances, he really became a good sport about it all. Look at him joining in on the joke. XD
Oh man, Oshareism... I'm going to have to stop myself from trying to translate this. LOL I think this was after Ueda asked him if he uses any seductive tactics or something like that, and Gackt said he can just speak normally and women fall for him. Or something. XD *doesn't quite remember anymore* Either way, smiley!Gackt is was cuter than I'm-a-400-year-old-vampire!Gackt. XD
100429 5LDK - Eita
As per usual, they surprised the guest by opening up a corridor wall on him.
He was going to keep walking, so Leader had to escort him in. XD
Taichi oh-so-politely requests that they cease talking about Leader.
Is is just me, or is everyone but Mabo burned to a crisp? Especially Nagase. Was there something on DASH or something...?
lol This is Gussan re-enacting Eita trying to shake someone's hand with both of his when he has a heavy bag in one hand... XD
The huge scale of all things American amazes Taichi.
I think it's about then that they all decided to go "Eita speed" and wait for the words to come out. XD Let me think... Ah, right. When Eita went to New York, he ate all these different types of expensive food (foie gras and caviar, I think), but they all tasted the same to him. My kind of guy! XD
They say Eita must have been popular.
e: No, no, not at all.
n: Well, the popular ones always say that, right?
t: I was popular, totally!
Taichi imitates how he imagines Eita would ask to be passed the ball in soccer, since he's so calm and quiet.
When asked when the last time that he got really excited was, he said just now. XD
I think this went something like...
t: Eita, you don't eat crab often, right?
e: Actually... I had some on Kuwazugirai...
Overall... I think the whole asking the manager for details/reading the manager's notebook leads to boring topics, but the silly antics thankfully continue in this version of the show.