Nintendo Party ehh...

Nov 20, 2012 00:25

Soooo... my brother got the deluxe Wii U yesterday and I checked out the cover for Nintendo Land, and the Mii for Mario looked familiar to one gamer I know and love. Actually I instantly thought of him instead of Mario. THATS HOW CONVINCED I WAS!

Recognize this lovable gamer!

LOL COINICIDENCE MUCH!?  I love you Nintendo even if you are not even released in Japan yet. 
Brought a smile to mai faceee and Nino's mii style hair <3 Reminiscing of never ending laughs and fangirlism during the NintendoCMs!

Not even a moustache on Mario Mii's character tsk. Haha so much for Movember!

Long time since I posted.. One word,  pretty much sums it up!

random:rant, arashi:nino, random: event, rant:arashi

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